Google Webmaster Tools Is Updated

Hosting serversGoogle’s improved Google Webmaster Tools, its free product for site administrators.

If you haven’t signed up, now’s the time.

Search Query Changes

On the Search Queries page, there’s now a Change column. It’s easy to quickly see what has happened historically with any given keyword.

Google highlights positive change in green and negative change in red, so it’s very easy to act upon the data.

Users can sort the data by any column and download the entire table for offline analysis.

Improved Parameter Handling

Google first introduced parameter handling into Google Webmaster Tools last year. A parameter generally appears in a URL after a question mark; look at a YouTube URL to see an example.

Now, webmasters can choose specific parameters to index, rather than simply ignoring or not ignoring parameters. This means we can index important parameters that have been added for tracking while ignoring parameters that are just there for functionality.

Google does add a disclaimer that it could override your preferences, but it’s a nice feature nonetheless.

Starring Messages

Finally, you can star messages in your inbox, giving alerts greater importance.

Much Needed Updates

Google Webmaster Tools used to be a bit of a waste of time. Now there are more reasons to sign up; the Search Queries enhancement in particular.

It’s free and open to all, so why not make use of it?Keep up with posts like this by subscribing to our RSS feed, or following @WhoIsHosting on Twitter.

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