Network Solutions Coupon: Domains for $0.99


Love domains but hate the cost?

Us too – we own HUNDREDS of domains, and it gets expensive fast. Our renewals bill is $1000s/year.

Of course, you can’t just choose the cheapest registrar around. Just ask anybody who lost domains when RegisterFly went bust.

Network Solutions has been selling domains for 18 years. Alas, they were also one of the MOST EXPENSIVE registrars.

Until now.

As of today, Network Solutions is offering domain registrations for just $0.99 (and, yes, that includes .COMs).

Here’s the special link.

What’s the catch? They hope some of you will buy Web hosting one day, too. Maybe you will, maybe you won’t. That’s entirely up to you!

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Network Solutions Coupon: Domains for $0.99 by
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