Update on the Cloudflare Data Breach (“Cloudbleed”)

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As you may have heard, a coding error at Cloudflare exposed information of users of potentially millions of websites. This is being referred to as “Cloudbleed.”
Although WhoIsHostingThis.com does use Cloudflare, there is a minuscule chance that this will affect any of our users. In a general sense, WhoIsHostingThis.com is relatively safe from such attacks in that we don’t collect much in the way of user data.
Why You Have Little to Fear
Users at WhoIsHostingThis.com do not log-in. And we do not use session keys. There are very few places where your data might be shared with us — mostly just for signing-up to our newsletter, submitting a hosting review, or contacting us with a question or comment.
So the worst case scenario is that your email address or something like a question you asked us might become public. Again, it’s very unlikely that any of this has happened.
WhoIsHostingThis.com Cares About Privacy
We greatly value your privacy at WhoIsHostingThis.com, and we understand that even the idea of having your personal data compromised creates distress. This is why we are making the situation clear.
Users of WhoIsHostingThis.com have virtually nothing to fear from “Cloudbleed” or any other such data breach. However, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact us. We are always interested to hear from you.