
How much do you really know about Bitcoin? With words like “blockchain,” “cryptocurrency,” “mining,” and “ledger” associated with it, you may feel intimidated by the mystique surrounding Bitcoin. But you shouldn’t be. This open-source payment system (“Bitcoin”) and currency (“bitcoin”) is a fairly easy one to understand.

The Most Exciting Thing About Bitcoin Isn't Bitcoin

The Most Exciting Thing About Bitcoin Isn’t Bitcoin

Have you tried Bitcoin? Whether you’ve embraced peer-to-peer currency or you still fear any kind of money you can’t fold into your wallet, it might be time to give Bitcoin a try. Or, at least, the blockchain protocol that makes it possible. What is blockchain? It’s a decentralized record-keeping system in which the users of […]


How Bitcoin Is Changing the Face of Non-Profits

As a tech-savvy person, you’re familiar with the huge potential of cryptocurrency. And you’re not alone: since the release of Bitcoin in 2009, it’s been adopted by millions of people around the world. Today there are over 13 million Bitcoins in circulation, with each valued at over $300. But if you’ve tried to talk to anyone about […]

How Secure are Bitcoins?

Protect Your Bitcoins From Hackers and Thieves

The security of Bitcoin transactions is one of the main draws of the new digital currency. Each Bitcoin transaction is publicly recorded and irreversible, while individual identifying information is kept secure and practically untraceable. Yet, ironically, some of the qualities that make Bitcoin so secure also make the digital currency irresistibly attractive to thieving hackers. […]

Bitcoin: A Modern Gold Rush?

Is Bitcoin Mining a Modern Gold Rush?

In 1848, a humble American carpenter named James W. Marshall caught sight of gold shimmering in a California river. By the next year, the news of plentiful gold had spread around the world, and hundreds of thousands of people rushed to California from almost every continent on earth. Dubbed “Forty-Niners” after the first year of the California Gold […]


Who Owns All the Bitcoins?

Humanity has spent their relatively brief time on this planet chasing a variety of wealth—gold, spices, cocoa beans, even bricks of compressed tea—and modern humans are no exception. The monetary wealth of our planet is higher than it’s ever been, and with 2013 estimates clocking in at about $241 trillion, every one of earth’s seven […]

Mt. Gox Logo

Collapse: Mt. Gox and the Future of Bitcoin

Despite an increasingly prominent profile in the media sphere, Bitcoin remains something of a mystery to the general public. While folks may have heard of the virtual currency, it’s generally in connection with its explosive growth or its associations with various scandals (including the seizure of $28 million in Bitcoins during the FBI’s takedown of […]


50 Insane Bitcoin Facts

Ever since its creation in 2008, virtual currency Bitcoin has been the subject of endless rumor, review, and speculation. But despite a steady stream of naysayers and problems with theft, the Little Crypto-Currency That Could continues to chug along. Like many phenomena that capture the public’s attention, Bitcoin is surrounded by characters straight out of […]

How to Explain Bitcoin to Your Grandparents

How to Explain Bitcoin to Your Grandparents

Bitcoin’s been around since 2009, and while it’s no longer the sole province of hard-core Web geeks and fortunate (if occasionally forgetful) speculators, it’s not exactly a household name, either. In a 2014 survey conducted by digital finance and media giant The Street, only two percent of those surveyed said they owned Bitcoins, more than […]

Bitcoin-Friendly Web Hosting

Bitcoin-Friendly Web Hosting

You’ve got a lot of options when it comes to purchasing Web hosting. Credit cards, PayPal, checks, and money orders enjoy wide acceptance. And with the rise and spread of Bitcoin—a new kid on the economic block that’s billed as “the world’s first decentralized digital currency”—hosting providers are slowly coming to embrace it as a […]

Will Silk Road Kill Bitcoin for Good?

Will Silk Road Kill Bitcoin for Good?

The world’s favorite virtual currency has been on a rollercoaster ride this year. On 1 January, one Bitcoin was worth $13. By April, they were trading for $266, before a sudden, spectacular collapse. The virtual currency has had a history rich in peaks and troughs. Fortunately, Forbes have constructed a guide to the many and […]

As Bitcoin gains more and more acceptance as a valid currency, people around the globe are using it to make payments, accept payments, and even make money from referring others to Bitcoin affiliate websites. Before taking the leap into using this digital currency though, it’s important to inform yourself.

Whether you’re a webmaster looking to pay for hosting services with bitcoins or you simply want to start accepting bitcoin payments from online customers, the following blog posts, resources, and guides have you covered.

Finding a Bitcoin-Friendly Host

Whether you’re planning to get involved in bitcoin mining or you just want to provide customers with a new payment option, it’s important to ensure you’re working with a secure hosting platform:

Ensuring Bitcoin Payments Are Processed Safely and Securely

Although Bitcoin works with a system of encrypted keys, this doesn’t mean your blockchain wallet (or those belonging to your customers) is safe from hackers. Learn how to more securely work with Bitcoin:

Other Bitcoin-Related Resources

For anyone interested in learning about other Bitcoin opportunities, check out the following resources:

Begin Your Bitcoin Journey

Though bitcoin is relatively new in the world of online payment types, it’s growing quickly. And if you want to stay on top of the trends, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the basics. With this info in hand, you can make informed decisions about the payment gateways and methods you pursue in the future.