

Where Do Successful Startup Founders Go to School?

If you think formal education is irrelevant to startup success, you’re in good company. Billionaire dropouts are all over the news: Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg all famously founded their companies after dropping out of college. And they’re not the only ones: Ralph Lauren, Simon Cowell, and Whole Foods founder John Mackey all lack […]


Women Making Their Mark in Tech

Today, women make up more than half the entire workforce… but only a quarter of jobs in the information technology industry. And it doesn’t look like the stats are changing in the next few years: the National Center for Women & Information Technology reports that women made up less than 20% of computer science grads […]

7 Brainiac Teens that Made it Big Before 21

7 Brainiac Teens That Made it Big Before 21

It’s the startup stereotype of the new millennium: a young teenage entrepreneur whose very first startup sells for millions, allowing that teenager to retire before they can legally vote. Those young success stories get all the media attention, but the truth is that most successful entrepreneurs are older than you’d think: Successful entrepreneurs are 40 […]


Which Tech CEOs are the Most Charitable?

We know that it feels good to give our time and money to others, and there has been a great deal of research on how to give to maximize those feelings. It stands to reason that if you were able to give more to your fellow man, you would end up more satisfied. Most of us […]

The World's Best Places to Launch Your Startup

The World’s Best Places to Launch a Startup

You’re ready to launch your startup: you’ve got the unique solution to a problem your highly-targeted niche never knew they had. You’re ready to put down your roots and open up office, and while you can picture every detail of your booming new business in your mind’s eye, one piece remains blank: the background. Choosing a […]

How Much In-Flight WiFi Can Save U.S. Businesses

In-Flight Wifi Could Save Businesses Billions

When you’re taking care of business on the go, Wifi is a basic necessity. According to recent research, almost two thirds of Americans surveyed couldn’t imagine going a day without Wifi, and almost a third claimed they just couldn’t live without it. But the vast majority of the millions of Americans going on long-distance business […]

How Adblock Could Destroy the Web As We Know It

Could Ad-blocking Destroy the Web?

Some Internet users don’t like advertising. Enter the concept of ad blocking or ad filtering. Ads can come in all shapes and sizes: text, video, animations, pictures, audio and pop-up windows. This dilemma has led some developers to create popular ad blocking extensions like Adblock Plus and AdBlock (the two efforts are not related). In […]

Eccentric Habits of the Tech Elite

11 Eccentric Habits of Tech Geniuses

What would you do with your time if your self-indulgence was to run free, and money was no longer a consideration? History is filled with tales of successful people who were a little… quirky. An entrepreneur’s ability to see brand new markets and opportunities takes a certain level of original thinking, and with that thinking comes unique […]

Which Geeks Secretly Run the Tech World

Which Geeks Secretly Rule the Tech World?

We’ve all heard of tech giants Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), Jeff Bezos (Amazon), and Elon Musk (Paypal, SpaceX, Tesla Motors). They seem to be at the forefront of all cutting edge software, their names and faces on every technology news article. While it might seem like these big names are running the show when it comes […]

How to Build an Affiliate Website that Doesn't Suck

7 Secrets of Successful Affiliate Websites

Affiliate marketing isn’t a new concept, but the rise of e-commerce since the ’90s has enabled it to grow into a huge industry worth billions in sales every year, with opportunities available in any niche or product you can imagine. Though there’s no lack of affiliate marketing “gurus” proclaiming how easy is it to make […]


Tech Cold War: Facebook vs. Google

Who is winning the tech cold war? Spending billions on apps and specialists, these tech giants are vying for control of the digital world. The new cold war isn’t about tanks, missiles or doomsday machines — it’s about commanding your attention (and maybe the stratosphere). There is always speculation and rumors of upcoming acquisitions for […]


How Non-Sexy Businesses Rock on Social Media

The adage “sex sells” might be the oldest, dustiest piece of marketing advice still in existence, but it remains true. Sex is used to sell everything, it seems—from decidedly sexy products like lingerie to ostensibly non-sexy products like Web hosting. But even in an age of hypersexualized advertising, companies whose products and services are less […]

Ace in the Hole

Five Outrageous PR Stunts That Paid Off

Businesses and organizations began practicing formal Public Relations (PR) about one hundred years ago. Since then, the definitions and tactics of PR have changed, but the essence remains the same: Make a big impression, distribute it to a big crowd, get a big response. While 20th century marketers seemed to view PR as a one-way […]

Do Interns Secretly Run the World's Largest Tech Companies

Do Interns Secretly Run the World’s Largest Tech Companies?

We’re all familiar with the narrative conventions surrounding the intern: long hours, little pay, and even less respect. Many of today’s tech and business leaders spent their early years competing for, and suffering in, internships where they gleaned bits of know-how and experience in between java runs and making copies. Modern internships, however, have undergone […]


7 Insane Employee Perks at Tech Companies

When it comes to improving productivity and enhancing the bottom line, emerging research suggests that keeping your employees happy can lead to huge boosts in both areas. Some companies, however, go beyond such life-enhancing benefits as free health insurance and the occasional motivational luncheon. For employees of leading tech companies such as Twitter, Dropbox, and […]