
The Reigning Champions of Twitter

Which Brands Rule Twitter?

If it seems like just about everyone’s on Twitter these days, there’s a good reason—the social media megasite has just under 650 million users. People around the world use the site to share media, share updates about their lives, and, increasingly, to interact with celebrities and corporations. Compliments, reviews, requests and complaints that used to […]

How to Get the Silicon Valley Billionaire Lifestyle

How to Get the Silicon Valley Billionaire Lifestyle

They might be only a handful of individuals compared to the total population, but the billionaires of Silicon Valley have certainly know how to live large. These darlings of the Forbes 400 are all about making—and spending—enormous amounts of money every single year. Thoreau once wrote, “Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.” The […]

Could You Run a Fortune 500 Company?

Could You Run a Fortune 500 Company?

The companies that comprise Fortune magazine’s annual Fortune 500 list are some of the most powerful and profitable in the world. The men and women who run them are often at the top of their careers, having spent years or even decades climbing the ladders of their respective industries. These titans of industry are well-educated, […]

Double Your AdSense Earnings in Just 5 Minutes a Day

Double Your AdSense Earnings in Five Minutes a Day

Since its creation in 2003, Google’s AdSense program has given millions of would-be Web titans the opportunity to make money through advertising. The program once known as “Ads by Google” has grown far beyond the simple text ads of its early days, with an increasingly sophisticated approach that has evolved to meet the changing needs […]

Where Did All The Tech Jobs Go?

Where Did All the Tech Jobs Go?

Often compared to the Wild West due to its reputation for risk and its frontier sensibilities, the tech industry has seen its share of booms and busts over its storied (if relatively brief) existence. In 2013, a six-year boom period came to a surprising end in the first quarter of the year. And as profits […]

How Brian Dean of Backlinko Succeeded

How Brian Dean of Backlinko Succeeded

World traveler Brian Dean has found great success as a digital marketing consultant, blogger, and SEO pro. Based in Berlin, Germany, Brian’s built his company Backlinko into a resource that helps site owners around the world succeed on the Web. We asked Brian to share more about his experiences as an entrepreneur, and offer some […]

How Anton Perlkvist Got 9 Million Twitter Followers

Anton Perlkvist is the largest Twitter publisher in Europe, with more than 9 million followers Based in Malmö, Sweden, this “Twitterpreneur” has made his mark via Twitter accounts that serve up a variety of content—from science facts to art and design to photos of glamorous dream homes—with an emphasis on shareability and fun. Despite his […]

The Lazy Geek's Guide to Outsourcing Everything

The Lazy Geek’s Guide to Outsourcing Everything

The concept of delegating tasks to an assistant, or even outsourcing them to another business, has been around forever. What’s changed in the Internet age is the availability of these time-saving tactics to small businesses and even solopreneurs with smaller budgets. Bloggers and small website publishers have more options than ever before to farm tasks […]

Conversion Rate Optimization for Beginners

“Inbound Marketing” is the new black – SEO companies across the land are falling over themselves to reposition their brand as inbound marketers. Inbound is touted as the opposite to traditional, ‘interruptive’ advertising methods, in that you produce content and place it in front of users so that they find you. The irony of it […]