Data Visualization

Why Going Offline Makes You Smarter, Healthier and More Attractive

Does Going Offline Make You Smarter?

Where are you right now? Hunched over your computer or smart phone? When was the last time you went offline? Though there are many benefits to “being online,” “offline” time is good for you, as well. I bet you’ve spent more time looking deeply into a display than you have looking at your surroundings and […]


Tech Cold War: Facebook vs. Google

Who is winning the tech cold war? Spending billions on apps and specialists, these tech giants are vying for control of the digital world. The new cold war isn’t about tanks, missiles or doomsday machines — it’s about commanding your attention (and maybe the stratosphere). There is always speculation and rumors of upcoming acquisitions for […]


Who’s Stealing eBooks?

Production and sales of eBooks increased rapidly in the last decade. Indie authors may have led the way, but bestsellers (and their publishers) soon joined the eBook revolution. Publishers begot lawyers; copyrights, DRM, and royalties soon followed. Who’s stealing eBooks, and who is paying? What’s the future for digital rights management, and how does this affect publishers and authors? Our […]


Marketing with Memes

If you’ve ever shared an image of the perpetually unlucky Bad Luck Brian or used Rick Astley’s immortal hit to trick a friend or loved one, you’ve employed a meme. While the word “meme” itself comes to us from Ancient Greek, the scientist Richard Dawkins gave the word its modern definition back in 1976, when […]


How Big Data is Revolutionizing the Music and Movie Business

The Internet age has created a phenomenon we call Big Data. With more and more people living more and more of our lives online, the sheer amount of information that can be collected, processed, and eventually used by any number of interested parties is staggering. One of the most interested parties is the entertainment industry, […]


4 Ways the Internet is Making Kids Smarter

Despite fueling an age of technological marvels, the Internet is often derided as being as harmful to humanity as it is helpful. But even if a steady diet of cat videos and Facebook posts isn’t a recipe for mental acuity, the Internet really is making the children of today smarter (as compared to their predecessors) […]


Everything You Need to Know about Mobile Ads

Traditionally, advertising has been involved spending a lot of money in order to see significant results. But as our civilization moves more of its entertainment, business, and education into the virtual realm, old-school methods like print or even broadcast and cable television advertising are being supplanted by a new medium that’s far more flexible, and […]


How Non-Sexy Businesses Rock on Social Media

The adage “sex sells” might be the oldest, dustiest piece of marketing advice still in existence, but it remains true. Sex is used to sell everything, it seems—from decidedly sexy products like lingerie to ostensibly non-sexy products like Web hosting. But even in an age of hypersexualized advertising, companies whose products and services are less […]

A Look Inside U.S. Data Centers

A Look Inside U.S. Data Centers

From Netflix to YouTube, and from Facebook to Twitter, people around the world enjoy content on the World Wide Web using sites that got their start—and make their electronic homes—in the United States. But few, if any, folks give serious consideration to the bustling, humming nerve centers that host this array of sites and content. […]

The Dark Side of Your Inbox

The Dark Side of Your Inbox [Video]

We’re all familiar with the irritating experience of opening our email and discovering that the vast majority of the messages we’ve received are either destined for the spam folder, or already in it. Spam is an increasingly serious problem for email users everywhere. As of 2013, spam emails accounted for nearly 71% of all email […]


13 Sci-Fi Gadgets You Won’t Believe Already Exist

Space-age inventions and innovations have been a staple of futuristic entertainment since before The Jetsons. Flying cars and robot maids are still a ways off, but it might surprise you to learn that some of high-tech toys and tools from “the future” are actually already available today. If you’ve ever seen Disney’s Up, then you’re […]

What Does Your Host Say About You: SiteGround

What Does Your Host Say About You? SiteGround

Even in a high-tech world, some people still appreciate the simple economy and beauty of things that are handcrafted, whether it’s homemade bread, a fancy table, or their hosting plan. For folks like these, SiteGround is the natural choice to provide a customized online home for their websites. Since 2004, SiteGround prides itself on its […]

The APIs that Secretly Rule your Life

The APIs That Secretly Rule Your Life

Modern life is, for many, an online one. And every click, every tweet, every Facebook like or product review, becomes part of a larger data pool (along with our emails, online purchases, GPS information and more) just waiting to be skimmed and sorted by a utility known as the application program interface (API). The ubiquity […]

Do Interns Secretly Run the World's Largest Tech Companies

Do Interns Secretly Run the World’s Largest Tech Companies?

We’re all familiar with the narrative conventions surrounding the intern: long hours, little pay, and even less respect. Many of today’s tech and business leaders spent their early years competing for, and suffering in, internships where they gleaned bits of know-how and experience in between java runs and making copies. Modern internships, however, have undergone […]

Double your Twitter Followers in Just Five Minutes Per Day

Double Your Twitter Followers in Just Five Minutes a Day

Whether you use it for business, pleasure, or both, Twitter is likely a large part of your social media life. With nearly 650,000,000 users, sending more than half a billion tweets every single day, the Internet’s water cooler is also overflowing with opportunities to attract hordes of new followers ripe for conversion into new customers […]