Data Visualization

Mega: Piracy or Privacy?

Mega: Privacy or Piracy?

On January 19th, 2012, the Federal Bureau of Investigation shut down the incredibly popular file-sharing site Within hours, the 13th largest website in the world—few competitors could actually compare themselves to the site, which had more than 150 million registered users, and accounted for a staggering four percent of all traffic on the Internet—was […]

A Look at Awesome Data Centers

A Look At Awesome Data Centers

Ever wondered about the inside track on the data centers that power your favorite web services? This infographic takes lets you compare some of the world’s most impressive data centers… A Look at Awesome Data Centers Data centers are facilities which are specifically designed and built to house computer, storage and telecommunications systems. The origins […]

Is Your Computer Killing You?

Is Your Computer Killing You?

If you spend as much time online as the reviews team, you might well have asked yourself the question: is my computer killing me? This infographic compares some of the biggest threats to your health for hardcore web geeks… Is Your Computer Killing You? (plus 22 Easy Tips to Stop it Today) How your […]