Data Visualization

Are These Million Dollar Domains Being Sold Short?

Are These Million Dollar Domains Being Sold Short?

Are all the best domains already taken? Hundreds of millions of top-level domains are now registered, and you’d better believe that includes all the short, snappy, easily-brandable one-word domains. Having a short and memorable domain comes with a lot of perks. For one, your users are much more likely to remember a domain like “” […]

Why "Jurassic Tech" is Making a Comeback

Why “Jurassic Tech” is Making a Comeback

Want to guess someone’s age? Just ask them what kind of phone they used growing up, and you can usually pinpoint the answer within a few years. Maybe you remember sharing a phone line with your family or even your neighbors, staying up late chatting on a party line. Maybe you grew up using a […]


7 Online Scams and How to Avoid Them

As much as technology has developed in the past century, you’d think humanity would have developed along with it. And it’s true, we’ve made a lot of progress in the past 100 years. We’re less violent, more educated, and life expectancy has shot up while infant mortality has gone down. But one thing that hasn’t […]

8 Hoaxes that Fooled the Internet

8 Hoaxes that Fooled the Internet

“The greatest thing about the Internet is that you can quote something and totally make up the source,” George Washington once famously said. (And if you believe that, we’ve got eight more absolutely true stories for you below.) The Internet has completely revolutionized the way the world communicates — and that includes how we lie […]

Why Your Site Goes Down (And How to Fix It)

Why Your Site Goes Down (And How to Fix It)

It’s a website owner’s worst nightmare: You type in your domain, but instead of seeing your beautiful website design, you’re greeted with a blank screen. How long has it been down? What went wrong? And more importantly, how do you fix it as soon as possible? Sooner or later, all webmasters go through that panic-inducing […]

8 Computer Viruses That Brought the Internet to Its Knees

8 Computer Viruses That Brought the Internet to Its Knees

Since the very first computer virus spread like wildfire by infecting floppy disks, viruses have gone on to cause millions in damages across the globe. The first computer virus, called the “Elk Cloner,” was created as a teenager’s harmless prank, displaying random messages to users and played subtle tricks when the infected floppy disk was […]

bittorent projects

4 Smart BitTorrent Projects You Should Be Using

When most people think of using BitTorrent, pirating copyrighted files is what generally comes to mind. You may not be among the half of Internet users who engage in piracy due to concerns about hidden malware or otherwise poisoned torrents, but you may have a friend or two with an impossibly large music collection, new […]

The Relentless Rise of Ransomware (and How to Beat It)

The Relentless Rise of Ransomware (and How to Beat It)

Picture this: You’re busy working on an important document on your computer. Not only is this project important to your job, but it contains very sensitive information about the company and its customers. You’ve taken precautions to keep that data safe and protected. But suddenly, in the middle of your work, a huge message pops […]


Snowden’s Global Impact

Until very recently, the ability of any one person to compile information about others was fairly limited. That’s no longer the case. There’s been global embrace of internet technology on an unprecedented scale. Communication, financial transactions, pictures, social media, even whole businesses have all moved online. But where does that information go? Where is your […]

How Your Smartphone Can Make You Healthier

How Your Smartphone Can Make You Healthier

Is technology helping to make us healthier — or just the opposite? Looking around, you’d probably guess the latter. Worldwide, obesity rates have more than doubled since 1980, with almost 2 billions adults classified as overweight in 2014. As technology develops and automates more and more tasks, people are living increasingly sedentary lifestyles. Not getting enough […]

7 Apps to Encrypt Your Chats

True Private Messaging: 7 Apps to Encrypt Your Chats

Are your text messages private and secure? Or are they vulnerable to prying eyes? Given the news lately, it’s safe to assume they’re not. It’s been revealed that the National Security Agency has been collecting text messages for years — up to 200 million a day. They collect everything they can from anyone they can, […]

How Much do the World's Biggest YouTubers Make?

How Much Do the World’s Biggest YouTubers Make?

Before the rise of the Internet, television, or even photography, it used to be difficult — if not impossible — for most people to become famous. If you were lucky, you might’ve been well-known in your town, but good luck spreading your fame further than that. And throughout most of history, very little was known […]

Moderating Facebook: The Dark Side of Social Networking

Moderating Facebook: The Dark Side of Social Networking

Ever wonder why YouTube has such terrible comments? It seems like the commenting community is made up of the worst trolls on the Internet. They’re so bad, YouTube has been called “a comment disaster on an unprecedented scale.” But why YouTube? Lots of people watch videos online, and most of them aren’t jerks (we hope). […]

Inside the Top Startup Factories

Inside the Top Startup Factories

Some people dream of starting a successful startup so they can strike it rich, sell the company, and retire on a beach sipping mojitos. Others entrepreneurs nurture their one big idea and dream of creating a stable company that they guide through its growth for many years to come. But the serial entrepreneur is a […]

How to Start Your Own ISP

How to Start Your Own ISP

If you hate your Internet Service Provider (ISPs), you’re definitely not alone. Not only are ISPs among the worst-rated companies when it comes to customer service, but they’re also often guilty of deliberate misdeeds like slowing your service and giving away your personal data. As Jordan Spencer Cunningham of put it, “All ISPs are […]