Data Visualization


7 Controversial Figures of Internet Freedom

In the Information Age, data is the new currency, and knowledge is power. And thanks to the Internet, we’re used to being able to access information at whim, quickly and easily — and for free. But throughout history, those in power have guarded their secrets closely. In the face of a movement towards more freedom of information, they work […]


Can You Trust the Internet?

How much do you trust the Internet? If you’re like the majority of Internet users, you’re trusting the Internet with your life. Think about it: So many tasks are much more convenient thanks to the Internet. You can now manage your bank accounts without ever setting foot in a local branch, pay your utility bills […]

How to Write Better Emails

How to Write Better Emails

Ever feel like you spend half your day answering emails? That feeling might be closer to the truth than you think: The average worker spends 13 hours per week reading, managing, and responding to emails. That means you could be spending almost a third of the entire work week on email! Try tracking the amount of time you […]


Women Making Their Mark in Tech

Today, women make up more than half the entire workforce… but only a quarter of jobs in the information technology industry. And it doesn’t look like the stats are changing in the next few years: the National Center for Women & Information Technology reports that women made up less than 20% of computer science grads […]


The Evolution of Chat: Stone Scribbles to Swipeable Screens

This year, the Oxford English Dictionary has added a slew of new words to the dictionary, from “amazeballs” to “YOLO.” Cue the defenders of the English language, who take these “cray” new words to signal the dumbing-down and ultimate demise of the English language. But self-proclaimed defenders of language have been bemoaning its decline for […]


How to Remove Your Embarrasing Photos from Social Media

We all know the Internet is forever. That’s why you’re careful about what you tweet, picky about the photos you share on Instagram, and vigilant about your Facebook privacy settings. You’ve made absolutely sure you won’t be embarrassed by what shows up when your name is googled… Until someone else posts an embarrassing photo of you. […]


Are You a Nomophobe?

You know that panicked feeling you get when you go to reach for your cell phone—and can’t find it anywhere? (Until you realize it’s in your other hand…) You just might have nomophobia: the fear of being away from your cell phone. Coined as a part of a 2010 study on cell phone addiction, the […]

7 Brainiac Teens that Made it Big Before 21

7 Brainiac Teens That Made it Big Before 21

It’s the startup stereotype of the new millennium: a young teenage entrepreneur whose very first startup sells for millions, allowing that teenager to retire before they can legally vote. Those young success stories get all the media attention, but the truth is that most successful entrepreneurs are older than you’d think: Successful entrepreneurs are 40 […]


The Rise and Fall of the Upworthy Viral Content Machine

Before the days of the Internet, “virality” wasn’t such a good thing. But now, it seems everyone is clamoring for their content to go viral online… And lately, some websites have found that Facebook’s pushback against their viral business models is proving deadly. With the rise of social media’s popularity, we’ve also seen a rise in […]


Which Tech CEOs are the Most Charitable?

We know that it feels good to give our time and money to others, and there has been a great deal of research on how to give to maximize those feelings. It stands to reason that if you were able to give more to your fellow man, you would end up more satisfied. Most of us […]


Yes, You Can Be Internet Famous

Deep down, most of us long to be famous. While most of us live our lives in anonymity, as a celebrity you can have an impact on the world, leave a meaningful legacy behind, and have your name remembered for ages. Sometimes, though, fame isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. While PR professionals might claim there’s “no […]


5 Reasons Everyone Hates Their ISP

With over 85% of its population online, America is one of the top Internet users of any country in the world. The average American spends over 20 hours a week online, checking email, playing games, and interacting on social networks. We love the web so much, we’re even considering adding Internet addiction to the list […]


What Code Should You Learn?

Today, computers are an inescapable part of our work and personal lives. As technology develops, computers are being increasingly more integral to our lives, and the more we understand them and how they work, the better we’re able to use them. Learning to code is not only necessary if you’re looking to start a lucrative […]


The Future of Domain Names

“Dot com” is more than a web address; it’s a symbol. Synonymous with the World Wide Web, “dot com” has been a common term since the Dot Com Bubble of last century, and it’s even defined in the Merriam-Webster dictionary. It’s no surprise, then, that .com is the most popular top-level domain (TLD) by far. […]


Why Private Browsing Doesn’t Exist

You know that when you browse the web, you’re not doing so anonymously. But do you know just how much personal data you’re giving away? Most people don’t know the extent of information that it’s possible to gather from your Internet browsing. With just a bit of code, websites can easily determine your computer specifications, including your […]