Data Visualization


These 14 Devices are Shockingly Easy To Hack

Most of the billions of people who go online every day do so to perform mundane tasks like checking email, shopping, banking, and using social media. The World Wide Web has made these everyday tasks so much more convenient, now that everything from bank accounts to baby monitors can be accessed online. Why drive to the […]


Face Recognition: Who’s Watching & Why?

Facial recognition software has come a long way in the past few years. While early face recognition software needed human input at every step, it’s advanced enough today that it can compare a single face against millions of faces on record in just a few seconds. Thanks to facial recognition software like Face Unlock, the private date on your […]


How to Stay Anonymous Online

Internet privacy has been all over the news lately, with the NSA in the spotlight for overstepping its bounds in surveillance. For decades, they’ve been infecting computers with monitoring software to track citizens and compile data on their every click. And it’s not just criminals and terrorists that are being monitored: 90% of the people the NSA […]

How the Outernet Will Free the Internet from Space

How the Outernet Will Free the Internet

The invention of Internet has ushered in a revolution: a new information age that has changed the way we live our lives day-to-day. Internet users now have access to resources and information that were out of reach before, with the ability to access almost unlimited knowledge online. Those who had no voice can now share […]

The World's Best Places to Launch Your Startup

The World’s Best Places to Launch a Startup

You’re ready to launch your startup: you’ve got the unique solution to a problem your highly-targeted niche never knew they had. You’re ready to put down your roots and open up office, and while you can picture every detail of your booming new business in your mind’s eye, one piece remains blank: the background. Choosing a […]


Should You Use a DIY Website Builder?

Wix, Weebly, Snap — while they might sound like breakfast cereals or kid’s toys, they’re actually DIY web design tools. For free or a small monthly fee, you can easily build your own website without having to learn a single line of code. Website editors like these are often called WYSIWYG, and awkward acronym that […]


2014 Web Design Trends

In the early days of the World Wide Web, it was trendy for webmasters to use every possible effect: animated gifs, blinking text, and auto-playing midis vied for attention on every site you surfed. While the wild frontier days of the Internet were exciting and revolutionary, trends like red text on patterned backgrounds weren’t exactly easy on the […]

How Brazil Leads the World in Internet Freedom

How Brazil Leads the World In Internet Freedom

When the World Wide Web was first proposed in 1989 by Tim Berners-Lee, his vision was to create a decentralized network of information that was free and open for everyone to access. Today, Berners-Lee and many others are fighting to preserve the new age of freedom of information expression the web enables. At the same time, many […]

What Every Internet User Needs to Know about Net Neutrality

Why You Should Care About Net Neutrality

A refrain of buzzwords and acronyms about net neutrality has been everywhere in the news lately: FCC to AT&T, the Court of Appeals and your local ISP. Politicians in D.C. on either side — champions of free information, or those affiliated with big business — have been heatedly discussing policies that will greatly affect the […]


Is the Internet Running Out of Room?

You’ve probably heard of IP addresses, but do you know exactly how they work—and why the web may be running out? As a web-savvy person, you probably know you have an IP address, but may not know exactly how it works or why it’s needed. The term is so ubiquitous online for good reason: the Internet itself couldn’t exist without […]

Democrats VS Republicans - The Battle for Net Neutrality

Democrats vs. Republicans: the Battle for Net Neutrality

Net neutrality today is a hotter topic than ever, and, as usual, the two main political parties of the United States have staked opposite sides in the struggle. The issue of net neutrality has been controversial since the birth of the World Wide Web. Those in favor of regulated neutrality, including the World Wide Web founder […]

Can Technology Outsmart Internet Censorship?

Can Technology Outsmart Internet Censorship?

The invention of the Internet has sparked a new age of global unity. More than ever before, people around the world can connect with each other regardless of physical location. Millions of people are no longer limited by what knowledge is available in their local library, but can now access information on any topic, freely […]

The 8 Biggest Security Breaches in History

8 Worst Security Breaches: Is Your Data Safe?

The information age is made possible by the lightening-fast exchange of data, making that data today’s all-important currency. As precious as our personal and private data is today, it must be kept safe. Individuals can take action to safeguard our usernames, passwords, and personal information. But when every precaution is taken, is your information guaranteed to […]

How to Be a Google Power User

How to be a Google Power User

It’s a familiar frustration for most of us: You type your precise, specific search terms into Google, and expect to find what you need on the first page. Instead, you’re faced with millions of search results, and the first few links are so off-the-wall unrelated you wonder if you mistyped something. But your search terms are […]

How Much In-Flight WiFi Can Save U.S. Businesses

In-Flight Wifi Could Save Businesses Billions

When you’re taking care of business on the go, Wifi is a basic necessity. According to recent research, almost two thirds of Americans surveyed couldn’t imagine going a day without Wifi, and almost a third claimed they just couldn’t live without it. But the vast majority of the millions of Americans going on long-distance business […]