Data Visualization

How Adblock Could Destroy the Web As We Know It

Could Ad-blocking Destroy the Web?

Some Internet users don’t like advertising. Enter the concept of ad blocking or ad filtering. Ads can come in all shapes and sizes: text, video, animations, pictures, audio and pop-up windows. This dilemma has led some developers to create popular ad blocking extensions like Adblock Plus and AdBlock (the two efforts are not related). In […]

Raspberry Pi - How to Get Started

Raspberry Pi: How to Get Started

Computers have come a long way since the mid-20th century, when they took up entire rooms and only programming geniuses could use them. In just the past few decades, computers have evolved so that we can carry them around with us as laptop computers, tablets, and smartphones. And today, even smaller computers are available, like the […]

How Secure are Bitcoins?

Protect Your Bitcoins From Hackers and Thieves

The security of Bitcoin transactions is one of the main draws of the new digital currency. Each Bitcoin transaction is publicly recorded and irreversible, while individual identifying information is kept secure and practically untraceable. Yet, ironically, some of the qualities that make Bitcoin so secure also make the digital currency irresistibly attractive to thieving hackers. […]

Killing it With Cartoons

Using Cartoons to Kill Your Readers…With Humor

Those who want to write off cartoons as just another childish pastime haven’t heard of them as being an important part of a well-functioning web-content strategy. Whether you call them cartoons or comics, the use of illustrations to explain boring or complicated subject matter has seen proven results. Using cartoons sort of lightens the mood […]

Everything you Need to Know about Real Time Bidding

Real-Time Bidding: Everything You Need To Know

Real-time bidding or RTB is how ad inventory gets bought and sold, based on impressions. The whole operation can be likened to how financial markets work because RTB takes place on ad exchange platforms. This dynamic bidding process lets advertisers bid on the impressions; if the bid’s won, the buyer’s ad will be shown immediately […]

Countries who Block Social Media

Hacking Censorship: Countries Who Block Social Media

Central to modern human experience is the free exchange of information throughout the world. Never has so much knowledge been at the fingertips of the average citizen, and while some stories that spread rapidly are fairly trivial, sometimes what’s being shared becomes deadly serious. The ability of a government to manage the information reaching its people is […]

Eccentric Habits of the Tech Elite

11 Eccentric Habits of Tech Geniuses

What would you do with your time if your self-indulgence was to run free, and money was no longer a consideration? History is filled with tales of successful people who were a little… quirky. An entrepreneur’s ability to see brand new markets and opportunities takes a certain level of original thinking, and with that thinking comes unique […]

How Much does a Website Cost?

How Much Does a Website Really Cost?

Planning on starting a website? It’s true that a website can be free to start, but if you expect any kind of return for your efforts—whether it’s ad revenue, affiliate sales, or retail customers—the truth is you get what you pay for. What are all the hidden costs to starting a website, and how much can […]

The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Reddit

Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Reddit

So you’ve moved beyond email, you’re a Google machine. You’ve seen most of Youtube, and every cat meme. You’ve Yahoo’ed for years and while their news is fun, there must be a place for some real discussion. Where can you go to delve into topics, to make your online experience a touch less myopic? Could […]

Which Geeks Secretly Run the Tech World

Which Geeks Secretly Rule the Tech World?

We’ve all heard of tech giants Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), Jeff Bezos (Amazon), and Elon Musk (Paypal, SpaceX, Tesla Motors). They seem to be at the forefront of all cutting edge software, their names and faces on every technology news article. While it might seem like these big names are running the show when it comes […]

Bitcoin: A Modern Gold Rush?

Is Bitcoin Mining a Modern Gold Rush?

In 1848, a humble American carpenter named James W. Marshall caught sight of gold shimmering in a California river. By the next year, the news of plentiful gold had spread around the world, and hundreds of thousands of people rushed to California from almost every continent on earth. Dubbed “Forty-Niners” after the first year of the California Gold […]

How to Build an Affiliate Website that Doesn't Suck

7 Secrets of Successful Affiliate Websites

Affiliate marketing isn’t a new concept, but the rise of e-commerce since the ’90s has enabled it to grow into a huge industry worth billions in sales every year, with opportunities available in any niche or product you can imagine. Though there’s no lack of affiliate marketing “gurus” proclaiming how easy is it to make […]


Looking Ahead: The Future of the Internet

Technology is moving fast. Fast like The Machine. Wearable technology and augmented reality are coming to a year near you. Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies are tipping into the mainstream. Internet-giving balloons and delivery drones will soon be battling for air space. Dog translation hardware is close to reality. I’m not making this stuff up. In the […]

Your ISP: The Battle for Net Neutrality

The Battle for Net Neutrality

The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals struck down the latest appeals for network neutrality; a big win for broadband providers, and an ominous glimpse into a future where ISPs have even greater control over media and communications. The ISPs are winning. The Verge predicts things are going to get worse before they get better. But, […]

Breaking News: The Internet Is Good For You

Breaking News: The Internet Is Good For You

Sometimes it’s easy to focus on the negative qualities of internet usage: addiction, the deterioration of written language, strained eyes, lost work hours, etc. Plus, we are constantly reminded of online dangers such as hacking, viruses and identity theft. But did you know that the internet can actually be good for you? In this interactive […]