Industry News


The Rise and Fall and Rebirth of Digg

Since the birth of the web, hundreds of social websites have come and gone. But not many had the influence of the social sharing site Digg. At the site’s height of popularity, its users had the power to make a website go viral — or bury it. By 2008, Digg was attracting over 236 million […]


Will Google Domains Kill GoDaddy?

Remember the web before Google, when we surfed using Yahoo’s directory, AltaVista’s web portal, or AskJeeves’ answers? While Google may profess to do no evil, even its CEO admits they’ve outgrown that slogan. And whether or not you consider it to be evil or just the cost of doing business, Google does have a habit […]

Three Mind-Blowing Wonders of Wearable Tech

Three Mind-Blowing Wonders of Wearable Tech

Wearable technology is touted as the future of electronics, fashion, fitness, and business. As the industry expands, wearable tech devices will increasingly target specific aspects of work and lifestyle, with products designed for managing finances and schedules, or enjoying sports and music. In this sense, wearable tech reflects the functionality of the now mundane smartphone […]

SXSW Interactive Logo

Hot Gadgets, Cool Tech: SXSW Interactive 2014 Wrap-Up

The South by Southwest (SXSW) festival—an Austin, Texas tradition since 1987—draws big crowds every year with its unique blend of music, film, stars big and small, and technological innovation. The 2014 show was no exception, combining celebrity spectacle with high-profile speakers and high-tech gadgetry. SXSW has a well-earned reputation as an incubator of new musical […]

High Tech Meets High Society at the Luxury Technology Show

High Tech Meets High Society at the Luxury Technology Show

What happens when the cutting edge of tech meets bottomless pockets? Quite a few things, actually—including the production at least one slightly unnerving robot—but one of the more interesting is the Luxury Technology Show, organized and presented by event production and promotion company RAND Luxury. The company’s well-known for their luxurious and ostentatious events and […]

Google Glass Carves a New Path in Tech Support

Google Glass Carves a New Path in Tech Support

If Google Glass and its users seem to be to be everywhere—especially in the media—it’s for a good reason: people can’t stop talking about Glass. The company’s much-lampooned guide to responsible use of their latest innovation might inspire a few giggles, but in joining the long list of articles and posts already dedicated to Glass, […]

New gTLDs Offer a Glimpse of Tomorrow’s Internet

New gTLDs Offer a Glimpse of Tomorrow’s Internet

Even if they’re not well-versed in the precise terminology of domain hierarchies, almost everyone who’s ever been online recognizes generic top-level domains. Also known as gTLDs, these extensions add the familiar “.com,” “.net,” etc. to the URLs we enter while browsing. This once-modest pool of “after the dot” domains is about to undergo a major […]

5 Things You Might Not Know About Your TOS

5 Things You Might Not Know About Your TOS

Since TwitPic’s recent controversy over its terms of service, which saw the company backtrack from an aggressive TOS that prevented its users from reselling photos they had uploaded to the service, a great deal of new attention has been focused on the contracts and agreements we sign every time we register with a new service. […]

Are One-Page Sites Making a Comeback?

Are One-Page Sites Making a Comeback?

In the early years of the web, websites were difficult to build. Many existed on a single page, or were uploaded purely as experiments. When blogs (or ‘weblogs’) started to crop up, the one-page site was left behind. But is the one-page site on its way back? One-Page Sites and Site Builders Dotster’s Instant Website […]

PSN Down: Another Strike Against the Cloud

PSN Down: Another Strike Against the Cloud

Around the time that Amazon’s Cloud services began to have its lengthy downtime, another popular service went down as well – the PlayStation Network (PSN). Used by millions of PS3 owners to play games online, download digital content and connect with friends, the PSN has been, for many, a core part of the PS3 experience. […]

The Day the Cloud Died: Amazon’s Outage

The Day the Cloud Died: Amazon’s Outage

Sometime around 1:41 AM PDT Amazon began to notice high error rates in its Elastic Block Storage and connectivity issues with reaching Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances at its Virginia datacenter. Unfortunately for Amazon and the companies that rely upon it, the problem was not quickly resolved and many woke up the next morning to […]

Westboro Baptist Church Hit By DOS Attack

Westboro Baptist Church Hit By DOS Attack

The Westboro Baptist Church is best known for its controversial picketing of military funerals, its anti-gay slogans and its recent contentiousvictory at the Supreme Court. Needless to say the church has made a lot of enemies online, including The Jester (th3j35t3r), a ‘hacktivist’. The Jester took it upon himself to silence the Church’s infamous God […]

Boost WordPress With Jetpack: The Best Features From

Boost WordPress With Jetpack: The Best Features From

Automattic, the company behind WordPress, has announced a new plugin called Jetpack. It adds many of the features offered by their hosted solution to self-installed WordPress instances, including updated states, grammar checking and more. But Jetpack is more than just a great plugin. It actually represents a major change in the way many hosts install […]

All About .CO Domains (and GoDaddy’s Endorsement)

All About .CO Domains (and GoDaddy’s Endorsement)

In the US, Go Daddy is well known for controversial Super Bowl commercials. Some see the ads as distasteful. Others see them as harmless fun. The latest campaign pushed the new .co TLD. So what is .co – and should you buy one? Is .co a .com Alternative? Despite a range of alternatives, .com is […]

What ISP Changes in Canada Mean For Your Site

What ISP Changes in Canada Mean For Your Site

If you live in Canada, bandwidth for your home connection is about to get a lot more expensive. Recent changes from the Canadian Radio-Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) means that Usage Based Billing (UBB) is coming to Canada. This means that Canadians, previously accustomed to unlimited or nearly-unlimited bandwidth caps on their Internet connections, may be facing […]