
7 Brainiac Teens that Made it Big Before 21

7 Brainiac Teens That Made it Big Before 21

It’s the startup stereotype of the new millennium: a young teenage entrepreneur whose very first startup sells for millions, allowing that teenager to retire before they can legally vote. Those young success stories get all the media attention, but the truth is that most successful entrepreneurs are older than you’d think: Successful entrepreneurs are 40 […]


Yes, You Can Be Internet Famous

Deep down, most of us long to be famous. While most of us live our lives in anonymity, as a celebrity you can have an impact on the world, leave a meaningful legacy behind, and have your name remembered for ages. Sometimes, though, fame isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. While PR professionals might claim there’s “no […]


5 Reasons Everyone Hates Their ISP

With over 85% of its population online, America is one of the top Internet users of any country in the world. The average American spends over 20 hours a week online, checking email, playing games, and interacting on social networks. We love the web so much, we’re even considering adding Internet addiction to the list […]

How the Outernet Will Free the Internet from Space

How the Outernet Will Free the Internet

The invention of Internet has ushered in a revolution: a new information age that has changed the way we live our lives day-to-day. Internet users now have access to resources and information that were out of reach before, with the ability to access almost unlimited knowledge online. Those who had no voice can now share […]

What Every Internet User Needs to Know about Net Neutrality

Why You Should Care About Net Neutrality

A refrain of buzzwords and acronyms about net neutrality has been everywhere in the news lately: FCC to AT&T, the Court of Appeals and your local ISP. Politicians in D.C. on either side — champions of free information, or those affiliated with big business — have been heatedly discussing policies that will greatly affect the […]


Is the Internet Running Out of Room?

You’ve probably heard of IP addresses, but do you know exactly how they work—and why the web may be running out? As a web-savvy person, you probably know you have an IP address, but may not know exactly how it works or why it’s needed. The term is so ubiquitous online for good reason: the Internet itself couldn’t exist without […]

Democrats VS Republicans - The Battle for Net Neutrality

Democrats vs. Republicans: the Battle for Net Neutrality

Net neutrality today is a hotter topic than ever, and, as usual, the two main political parties of the United States have staked opposite sides in the struggle. The issue of net neutrality has been controversial since the birth of the World Wide Web. Those in favor of regulated neutrality, including the World Wide Web founder […]

Can Technology Outsmart Internet Censorship?

Can Technology Outsmart Internet Censorship?

The invention of the Internet has sparked a new age of global unity. More than ever before, people around the world can connect with each other regardless of physical location. Millions of people are no longer limited by what knowledge is available in their local library, but can now access information on any topic, freely […]

The 8 Biggest Security Breaches in History

8 Worst Security Breaches: Is Your Data Safe?

The information age is made possible by the lightening-fast exchange of data, making that data today’s all-important currency. As precious as our personal and private data is today, it must be kept safe. Individuals can take action to safeguard our usernames, passwords, and personal information. But when every precaution is taken, is your information guaranteed to […]

How to Be a Google Power User

How to be a Google Power User

It’s a familiar frustration for most of us: You type your precise, specific search terms into Google, and expect to find what you need on the first page. Instead, you’re faced with millions of search results, and the first few links are so off-the-wall unrelated you wonder if you mistyped something. But your search terms are […]

The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Reddit

Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Reddit

So you’ve moved beyond email, you’re a Google machine. You’ve seen most of Youtube, and every cat meme. You’ve Yahoo’ed for years and while their news is fun, there must be a place for some real discussion. Where can you go to delve into topics, to make your online experience a touch less myopic? Could […]


Looking Ahead: The Future of the Internet

Technology is moving fast. Fast like The Machine. Wearable technology and augmented reality are coming to a year near you. Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies are tipping into the mainstream. Internet-giving balloons and delivery drones will soon be battling for air space. Dog translation hardware is close to reality. I’m not making this stuff up. In the […]

Your ISP: The Battle for Net Neutrality

The Battle for Net Neutrality

The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals struck down the latest appeals for network neutrality; a big win for broadband providers, and an ominous glimpse into a future where ISPs have even greater control over media and communications. The ISPs are winning. The Verge predicts things are going to get worse before they get better. But, […]

Breaking News: The Internet Is Good For You

Breaking News: The Internet Is Good For You

Sometimes it’s easy to focus on the negative qualities of internet usage: addiction, the deterioration of written language, strained eyes, lost work hours, etc. Plus, we are constantly reminded of online dangers such as hacking, viruses and identity theft. But did you know that the internet can actually be good for you? In this interactive […]

Why Going Offline Makes You Smarter, Healthier and More Attractive

Does Going Offline Make You Smarter?

Where are you right now? Hunched over your computer or smart phone? When was the last time you went offline? Though there are many benefits to “being online,” “offline” time is good for you, as well. I bet you’ve spent more time looking deeply into a display than you have looking at your surroundings and […]