Security: Online and Off

Nowadays we rely on computers more than ever to handle sensitive information. Modern software makes it easier to access data thanks to constant internet connectivity. Compared to yesteryear, we live in a virtual software utopia of cross platform compatibility.

This is all well and good, but there are some side effects. Networks and computers face more security risks. At times, cyberspace can seem like a complex labyrinth of bologna. Attacks typically come via: virus or malware; worm; Trojan horse; and rootkit.

50 Ways the Internet May Be Out to Get You

According to the Pew Research Center, as of 2016, about 87% of US adults use the internet. And according to data collected by Statista, there are nearly 3.5 billion internet users worldwide. If these numbers are indicative of anything, it’s that the internet is an important part of our lives. Think about it. You can buy pretty […]

The Investigatory Powers Act: Ultimate Guide

The Investigatory Powers Act (PDF)is a new law that gives the UK government massive surveillance powers. It legalizes the tracking of internet usage, the hacking of smartphones and laptops, and the monitoring of innocent people. It also opens up that data to a huge number of staff members in various agencies and organizations. And it provides a mandate for the […]

Oldest Scam on the Internet

Oldest Internet Scam — How to Avoid It

In a 2015 survey conducted by Adobe Systems, it was found that US workers, on average, spent 6.3 hours checking emails daily (with a 50/50 split between personal and professional messages). How many emails do we receive each day where the average time spent reading, organizing, and responding to them is six hours? According to the Adobe […]

Quick Guide to Safe Online Shopping

The holiday season is upon us! And that means most of us will turn to the internet to find the perfect gifts for our loved ones. Online shopping is convenient. It allows you to avoid crowds, get items shipped straight to your home, and in some cases, save money. Even though it’s convenient, however, online […]

49 Tools to Secure Your Privacy

The Internet is a warehouse of information on any subject you can imagine. Even you. The more time you spend online, the more you put yourselves at risk for having your private information or communications intercepted, read, and possibly even used for illegal purposes. Fortunately, there are plenty of tools available — many of them […]

Is Your Home Safe From Hackers? Probably Not

Hackers were never so powerful as they were in the 1990s movies. By furiously typing on their keyboards, they could decode any encryption, steal any amount of money from any person or organization, reveal any classified government secret… even travel back in time. In the early days of the internet, hacking powers were sorely misunderstood. […]

4 Email Privacy Tools to Keep Your Email Secure

What’s the worst that could happen if someone gains access to your email account? You may think not much — maybe a few spam emails will be sent from your account, but once you change your password, it’ll be over, right? Actually, your email account is probably the worst online account that can be hacked. […]

Microsoft's Maverick Mission against Malware

Microsoft’s Maverick Mission Against Malware

Since the beginning, Windows has been considered by some security experts to be one of the most insecure operating systems, whether they argue that its proprietary code, networking systems, or even its font rendering are the cause. In fact, besides the cult-like appeal of the brand, one of the reasons Apple aficionados give for their loyalty […]

The Most Exciting Thing About Bitcoin Isn't Bitcoin

The Most Exciting Thing About Bitcoin Isn’t Bitcoin

Have you tried Bitcoin? Whether you’ve embraced peer-to-peer currency or you still fear any kind of money you can’t fold into your wallet, it might be time to give Bitcoin a try. Or, at least, the blockchain protocol that makes it possible. What is blockchain? It’s a decentralized record-keeping system in which the users of […]

7 Online Scams and How to Avoid Them

As much as technology has developed in the past century, you’d think humanity would have developed along with it. And it’s true, we’ve made a lot of progress in the past 100 years. We’re less violent, more educated, and life expectancy has shot up while infant mortality has gone down. But one thing that hasn’t […]

8 Computer Viruses That Brought the Internet to Its Knees

8 Computer Viruses That Brought the Internet to Its Knees

Since the very first computer virus spread like wildfire by infecting floppy disks, viruses have gone on to cause millions in damages across the globe. The first computer virus, called the “Elk Cloner,” was created as a teenager’s harmless prank, displaying random messages to users and played subtle tricks when the infected floppy disk was […]

bittorent projects

4 Smart BitTorrent Projects You Should Be Using

When most people think of using BitTorrent, pirating copyrighted files is what generally comes to mind. You may not be among the half of Internet users who engage in piracy due to concerns about hidden malware or otherwise poisoned torrents, but you may have a friend or two with an impossibly large music collection, new […]

The Relentless Rise of Ransomware (and How to Beat It)

The Relentless Rise of Ransomware (and How to Beat It)

Picture this: You’re busy working on an important document on your computer. Not only is this project important to your job, but it contains very sensitive information about the company and its customers. You’ve taken precautions to keep that data safe and protected. But suddenly, in the middle of your work, a huge message pops […]


Snowden’s Global Impact

Until very recently, the ability of any one person to compile information about others was fairly limited. That’s no longer the case. There’s been global embrace of internet technology on an unprecedented scale. Communication, financial transactions, pictures, social media, even whole businesses have all moved online. But where does that information go? Where is your […]

7 Apps to Encrypt Your Chats

True Private Messaging: 7 Apps to Encrypt Your Chats

Are your text messages private and secure? Or are they vulnerable to prying eyes? Given the news lately, it’s safe to assume they’re not. It’s been revealed that the National Security Agency has been collecting text messages for years — up to 200 million a day. They collect everything they can from anyone they can, […]

These attacks can range from annoying to devastating. But there are lots of ways you can learn to be safe. This set of resources will help you minimize security risks and maximize your chance at a good night’s sleep.

Understanding Internet and Network Attacks

Staying secure on the internet today means constant vigilance. There are dangers lurking around every corner of the web. Whether you encounter a Nigerian Prince Scam, identity theft, corporate espionage, or a bored teenager with too much time on her hands that recently read The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest — identifying the threat is the first step in defending it. These resources give you the knowledge to beef up your security to safeguard against viruses, malware, and fraud.

Secure Website Hosting

If you have ever managed or helped maintain a website, you already know that security is a major concern. These resources will help you learn about different security features available for your website and will help you determine the right web service for your situation.


Encryption is a fundamental key to security. It’s the digital lock on your front door. Learn about the evolution of encryption and its modern day applications. Take the journey from fascinating Sumeria to SSL with these crib notes. Dive deeper if you are inclined.

Start Prioritizing Security Now

You don’t have to be a security expert to create a secure site. These resources should give you a leg up on how to setup a site to be secure from the start, with the right hosting, the right tools, and the right encryption.