
An active website can be a powerful tool. For businesses, websites are an essential marketing tool, helping business owners to build up their company’s brand recognition and expand their customer base with informative and entertaining content.

For the individual, websites provide an opportunity to share the owner’s passion with the world at large, potentially reaching a greater number of readers than traditional print could ever hope to deliver.


Quick Guide to Safe Online Shopping

The holiday season is upon us! And that means most of us will turn to the internet to find the perfect gifts for our loved ones. Online shopping is convenient. It allows you to avoid crowds, get items shipped straight to your home, and in some cases, save money. Even though it’s convenient, however, online […]


Make Your Website Accessible in 10 Minutes

Website accessibility is a huge issue, but one most people don’t think much about. Imagine for a moment that you have limited mobility. Maybe you can’t use a mouse, and the only way you can navigate a computer is by tapping a single keyboard key at a time. Try it out. Click the arrow buttons […]


How to Make Awesome Animated GIFs

In web years, animated GIFs are ancient. From the beginning, they enlivened Geocities pages with animated construction workers, spinning globes, ubiquitous dancing babies, and other old school animated GIFs you saw on every site and forum signature. Even if no one can agree on how to pronounce “GIF,” we can all agree that the web […]


Build an Age Appropriate Kid-Friendly Website

How old were you when you first went online? Adults today may remember growing up with the development of the internet and learning to use it as a teenager or adult, but today’s children are growing up using the internet from a much earlier age than you might expect. A suvery by parenting site Netmums.com […]


The Grandparent’s Guide to the Internet

You’ve seen your kids and grandkids doing it: looking up all kinds of facts on the fly, chatting with friends online, banking and booking flights, sharing vacation photos and videos. From the sidelines, it can look tricky. Their fingers might seem to fly over the keys too fast to follow, and you have no idea […]


Using Firedaemon With a Game Server

There’s a software solution that can take all those messy game server client windows and hide them away while running those same servers as services instead of applications. There are a number of applications that do this — including the open source Launcher Service. Today, we are going to look at one software package in […]


How to Start a Blog (in 3 Quick Steps)

Have you been putting off blogging because you’re not sure how to start? All the info and advice out there can be overwhelming, but it really doesn’t take much to just get started. In fact, you can publish your first blog post within the hour! Just follow the 3 steps below to get started. Step 1: […]

How to Start Your Own ISP

How to Start Your Own ISP

If you hate your Internet Service Provider (ISPs), you’re definitely not alone. Not only are ISPs among the worst-rated companies when it comes to customer service, but they’re also often guilty of deliberate misdeeds like slowing your service and giving away your personal data. As Jordan Spencer Cunningham of Nerdology.org put it, “All ISPs are […]


Beginner’s Guide to YouTube Advertising

Before online advertising, it was tough to get your brand in the spotlight without a huge marketing budget. Even today, you’ve got to have plenty of money for TV advertising. Just the ad production alone can cost thousands of dollars — and that’s not even getting into ad placement, which can range anywhere from a […]


26 Crazy Facts You Never Knew About Google

Think you’re a Google expert? Maybe your Google-fu skills allow you to find any bit of information that’s ever graced the World Wide Web. You know all the right search tricks, which Boolean operators are allowed, the shortcuts, the easter eggs, the games. Your friends and family know you’re the go-to person for any trivia […]


How to Set Up a VPN (and Why You Should)

Think your Internet connection is secure from hackers and spies? You know your basic online safety tips. You’re careful at home, scrutinizing your email for phishing attempts, never giving out personal information, and installing nothing unknown on your computer. When you’re out and about, connecting to public Wi-fi, you verify you’re on the right network […]


Know Your File Types: When to Use JPEG, GIF, & PNG

Trying to save space on image files, but not compromise quality? It can be tough to know exactly which filetype is the best to use. If you save your image as the wrong type, you could end up blurring a beautiful photo, losing all the detail of your logo, or turning a transparent background black. On your […]


Tor for Newbies: How & Why to Use it

With all the news about NSA and other government organizations around the world, it seems like everything we do, whether physical or virtual, is being watched by somebody. We now know that our phone calls, texts, emails, and online activities are all being recorded and monitored, and who knows what else? Some may say that if […]

How to Write Better Emails

How to Write Better Emails

Ever feel like you spend half your day answering emails? That feeling might be closer to the truth than you think: The average worker spends 13 hours per week reading, managing, and responding to emails. That means you could be spending almost a third of the entire work week on email! Try tracking the amount of time you […]


How to Remove Your Embarrasing Photos from Social Media

We all know the Internet is forever. That’s why you’re careful about what you tweet, picky about the photos you share on Instagram, and vigilant about your Facebook privacy settings. You’ve made absolutely sure you won’t be embarrassed by what shows up when your name is googled… Until someone else posts an embarrassing photo of you. […]

Tutorials and Resources

Here at WhoIsHostingThis.com we realize that not every website owner is going to have extensive web management experience. It’s also unlikely that they will have extensive IT teams at their disposal to handle the nuts and bolts of creating and maintaining an effective website.

But both novice and experienced website owners should have a basic understanding of web deployment and web management.

Our growing collection of tutorials should help both first time bloggers and long term website owners learn more about the fundamentals of web management. These informative guides provide insight into the creation, deployment, and management of blogs and websites.

Website Design and Management

Web Hosting

Creating Websites

There is always something to learn if you want to launch and manage a website successfully. The resources we have discussed here should provide a strong and informed foundation for first time bloggers and business owners who want to share their knowledge and enthusiasm with a larger online audience.