
Which cPanel Alternative is Right for You?

Which cPanel Alternative is Right for You?

One of the most important components of choosing a host and setting up a Web server, particularly for website hosting resellers, is the Web server control panel. These applications control the various “behind the scenes” components of your server on three levels: users, resellers and admins. For users (e.g., you, if you are purchasing hosting […]

Help! I Got a DMCA Notice! Now What?

Help! I Got a DMCA Notice! Now What?

It would be bad enough to wake up one morning and discover someone had stolen some of your online content and published it on their own site without your permission. But what if you were the one doing the stealing? Or at least, being accused of stealing? What then? If you ever receive a Digital […]

Deciphering HTTP Status Codes

Deciphering HTTP Status Codes

  When you give out or ask for a Web address, you probably start with the letters “www” (indicating “World Wide Web”) rather than the actual first letters of the address, which are generally “HTTP” (HyperText Transfer Protocol). Thanks to updates to the domain creation process, most modern browsers have eliminated the need to enter […]

Unlimited Hosting: What’s the Catch?

Unlimited Hosting: What’s the Catch?

Let’s just start with the obvious: You can’t get something for nothing, and there really is no such thing as unlimited, well, anything—especially not anything you pay for. All-you-can-eat buffet places count on your getting full after a plate or two, the occasional hollow-legged, high-metabolism eater aside. And even then, some places will step in […]

Responsive Design: Getting It Right

Responsive Design: Getting It Right

In his 1939 memoir, Wind, Sand and Stars, French author and aristocrat Antoine de Saint-Exupery opined, “A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” The renowned aviator and Little Prince author did not live to see the Information Age, […]

How to Remove Stolen Photos Online

How to Remove Stolen Photos Online

As more and more people come to live their lives online via social media and sites around the Internet, the wall between one’s public and private lives is eroding at breakneck speed. The very definition of what might reasonably considered “private” in a world where every meal is photographed and posted to Instagram, and every […]

8 Ways to Create (& Remember!) Secure Passwords

8 Ways to Create (& Remember!) Secure Passwords

Maybe it’s happened to you before. Someone somehow breaks into your email account or one of your social profiles, and wreaks havoc. They send spammy emails to everyone in your contacts list, tweet suspicious links from your account (or awful homophobic and racist comments), or post unseemly photos on your Facebook wall. And while they’re […]

How To Check The Speed Of Your Website

How To Check The Speed Of Your Website

Google has recently made a clear communication to webmasters in its latest revision of the Google Webmaster Guidelines that site speed is an important factor of their Technical Guidelines and one part of their algorithm which will become more important in the future for ranking highly in their search results. A quote from Google’s Technical […]

What is Web Hosting?

InMotion hosting have put together a great video to answer the most common questions for new webmasters. Here’s the video… Learn more about InMotion hosting here or checkout our reviews.

Understanding FTP File Permissions in Linux (inc CHMOD)

Understanding FTP File Permissions in Linux (inc CHMOD)

Uploading anything more complicated than basic HTML (for example, a PHP script), usually requires some fiddling with permission settings to make things work properly. Whether you’re battling an error or just following the instructions to install a new script on your server, knowing how to set permissions is essential. Many webmasters try to set their […]

No, You Can’t Edit Your Server. And Here’s Why

No, You Can’t Edit Your Server. And Here’s Why

If you are in a typical shared hosting environment, there are a lot of limitations on what you can do with your site and your server. Though you can add domains, install PHP and other scripts and generally upload things to your site, you can’t make any actual changes to your server. If a script […]

Stella: Web Monitoring and Debugging Simplified

Stella: Web Monitoring and Debugging Simplified

If your website is running slowly or inconsistently, it can be very frustrating trying to understand why. Tools such as Pingdom’s full page site test, which provide a very thorough and detailed overview of site performance, can be a bit overwhelming. There’s also the risk that, to the inexperienced eye, the results can be misleading. […]

Are cPanel and WHM a Security Risk?

Are cPanel and WHM a Security Risk?

Anyone who runs a website learns to be vigilant very soon after opening their first hosting account. There are many security holes, and it’s easy to make mistakes. If you’re not careful, you could take serious risks, or make dangerous assumptions about the software you’re using. The vast majority of hosts offer plans that feature cPanel alone, […]

How to Troubleshoot DNS Problems Quickly

How to Troubleshoot DNS Problems Quickly

DNS problems can be a headache, even if you’re experienced with web hosting. Often, it’s difficult to tell where faults lie. DNS can take some time to propagate, so sites can appear to be up or down at the same time, depending on your physical location. Having DNS issues? Keep reading to find out how […]