Web Hosting Help

Have questions about web hosting? We’ve got answers.

79 Free Tests and Services to Improve Your Website

Once your website is up and running, you need to make sure it’s performing at its best. That means checking the loading time, making sure there are no coding errors, and ensuring it’s indexed in search engines. There are a number of website tests and services that can help you with this. If you visit your […]

Why Your Site Goes Down (And How to Fix It)

Why Your Site Goes Down (And How to Fix It)

It’s a website owner’s worst nightmare: You type in your domain, but instead of seeing your beautiful website design, you’re greeted with a blank screen. How long has it been down? What went wrong? And more importantly, how do you fix it as soon as possible? Sooner or later, all webmasters go through that panic-inducing […]

Should You Use a DIY Website Builder?

Wix, Weebly, Snap — while they might sound like breakfast cereals or kid’s toys, they’re actually DIY web design tools. For free or a small monthly fee, you can easily build your own website without having to learn a single line of code. Website editors like these are often called WYSIWYG, and awkward acronym that […]

How Much does a Website Cost?

How Much Does a Website Really Cost?

Planning on starting a website? It’s true that a website can be free to start, but if you expect any kind of return for your efforts—whether it’s ad revenue, affiliate sales, or retail customers—the truth is you get what you pay for. What are all the hidden costs to starting a website, and how much can […]

What Does Your Host Say About You: SiteGround

What Does Your Host Say About You? SiteGround

Even in a high-tech world, some people still appreciate the simple economy and beauty of things that are handcrafted, whether it’s homemade bread, a fancy table, or their hosting plan. For folks like these, SiteGround is the natural choice to provide a customized online home for their websites. Since 2004, SiteGround prides itself on its […]

Is it Down? Status Pages for 50 Top Hosting Providers

The modern marketplace runs on the assumption of an “always connected” Internet. Whether your website is the online face of your bricks-and-mortar business, or your website comprises your business, it’s the first – and maybe only – impression your visitors will get of your business. And if your website is down, it’s impossible to make […]

6 Must-Have Hosting Features

With more hosting providers and options than ever, figuring out which hosting features are absolute must-haves can be headache-inducing, to say the least. Most hosting providers offer a fairly standardized set of features with variations in number, amount, and price, but do you know what to look for? Do you know which features you really […]

100 Web Hosting Support Phone Numbers at your Fingertips

Running a successful website depends on a lot of factors: compelling content; the right kind of marketing; and, of course, a hosting provider you can count on. When something goes wrong, every second of downtime can cost you big time in customers and credibility. Online support, live chat, and email are fantastic option, but sometimes, […]

Bitcoin-Friendly Web Hosting

Bitcoin-Friendly Web Hosting

You’ve got a lot of options when it comes to purchasing Web hosting. Credit cards, PayPal, checks, and money orders enjoy wide acceptance. And with the rise and spread of Bitcoin—a new kid on the economic block that’s billed as “the world’s first decentralized digital currency”—hosting providers are slowly coming to embrace it as a […]

Do I Need a Dedicated IP Address?

Do I Need a Dedicated IP Address?

Of the numerous hosting features and extras available from just about every hosting provider out there, the dedicated IP may just be the one that gives Web publishers the most pause. Is it necessary? Does it have any benefit? Do I really need one if I’m using a dedicated server? Do I really need one […]

How Safe Is Your Website?

How Safe is Your Website?

As the modern marketplace has come to rely on virtual media, storefronts, and relationship management, the need for greater cybersecurity—on everything from hosting servers to personal pcs to mobile devices—has increased exponentially. Gone are the days of casual GeoCities storefronts, secured only with a (it is hoped) strong password and a vigilant eye. Today, the […]

Which Is the Best Web Hosting for Your Site?

Which Is the Best Web Hosting for Your Site?

For small businesses looking to connect with today’s e-savvy customers, a smart and engaging website is essential. Yet before you hang out your electronic shingle, you must choose the right web hosting solution for your business. Depending on your needs, you’ll most likely choose a host from among the four most popular hosting options—dedicated, shared, […]

Cloud CDN

Move Your Small Business to the Cloud?

You’ve no doubt heard about “The Cloud”, but what is it? How is this something that can help your business? What is The Cloud? Put simply, cloud computing services allow you to use software and computer resources online as a utility, allowing you to pay for those resources when you need them, provided via the […]

Should We Put Our Trust In the Cloud?

Should We Put Our Trust In the Cloud?

The internet is changing the way we live, and it’s built on hosting services. Without cloud hosting, we wouldn’t have streaming music, streaming movies, online acess to our documents or the convenience of easy, immediate communication. But is the cloud something to trust entirely? Should we be more cautious? Reasons To Trust Cloud Hosting Cloud hosting […]

23press: Easy Hosting Transfers

23press: Easy Hosting Transfers

Switching hosts is a tremendous pain. Even if you’re fortunate enough to be moving between two hosts that have the same control panel, meaning that you can simply backup and restore your entire hosting account, you have the hassle of waiting for DNS servers to propagate your new site’s information and that means that comments, […]

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Web Hosting Help

We can help you learn how to pick the right host and pinpoint the features you actually need. We can help you learn how to get your site online for the very first time and recover a crashed site after a technical snafu. We can teach you about configuring domain name records, setting up an SSL certificate, and much more.

If you’re ready to learn the ins-and-outs of web hosting — such as why unlimited bandwidth and disk space aren’t actually unlimited — then you’re in the right place.


The web hosting market is a complex ecosystem. As a webmaster or developer, you need to keep your skills sharp and your eyes open to new technologies and trends. In addition to blog posts on this topic, we have also published a wealth of technical resources that can teach you more about hosting.

Pick the Right Host

Selecting a web host is easier said that done. If you’ve never studied hosting before, there are countless new terms to learn and potential hosts to research. If you’re going through the process of picking a web host right now, consider the following resources to be “required reading” before you make your final decision.

What Features Do You Actually Need?

Bandwidth, disk space, control panels, SSL certificates, and 24-7 support: do you actually need all of those features? Learn what these common hosting terms mean, and figure out whether or not you need to worry about them:

Build Your Website

Lots of first-time webmasters operate on a shoestring budget and embrace DIY solutions to build their websites. If you’re in the same boat, the following resources can help you get your website up and running.

Manage Your Website

Setting up a website is just the beginning. Once you’ve built your site you’ll need to manage it. These resources will show you how.


Picking a host, getting the hosting features you really need, building your site, and managing your site are the basic steps every webmaster must follow. It’s a lot to learn, but with these resources in hand you’ll be better-prepared to navigate choppy waters as a webmaster.