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A2 Hosting Windows Lite plan
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1&1 Windows Unlimited plan
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VISIT HOST Cloud Windows S Server plan
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PureHost PureBusiness Windows plan
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eUKhost Windows VPS elite01 plan
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Host1Plus Windows VPS plan
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What is ChiliSoft ASP Hosting?

Some technology comes with a lot of baggage. This is true for ChiliSoft ASP. ChiliSoft was a company started in 1996 for the specific purpose of adding functionality to Web servers. ChiliSoft ASP was basically an application environment that combined database publishing with HTML, scripting, and custom server components for the purpose of creating dynamic Web-based business applications.

ChiliSoft ASP was fully extensible, which means you could use it to connect everything from the most current Internet standards to the older, legacy systems.

After a few years of development, ChiliSoft was acquired by Sun Microsystems. ChiliSoft ASP continued to be available after the sale, until Sun was later acquired by Oracle.

While versions of ChiliSoft ASP may still be available on the Internet, be sure to check with your hosting provider before you install the software on your site to ensure compatibility. Also bear in mind that it will most likely be difficult to impossible to get any kind of technical support for ChiliSoft ASP.

Benefits of ChiliSoft ASP

Even though technology has come a long way over the past 20 years, there are still people interested in ChiliSoft ASP. There are many reasons for this:

  • Familiarity with the software.
  • Easy to use, despite the fact that it is considered outdated by many.
  • Excellent choice for webmasters that need to bring together older systems with the technology of today.
  • Opportunity to create web-based business applications in a one-size-fits-all environment, thanks to its ability to combine database publishing with a variety of other components.

Why ChiliSoft ASP is No Longer Software of Choice

People are creatures of habit. This is particularly true among many webmasters, as they become familiar with a particular software and have a difficult time making the change to a new system.

While there will always be people who rely on ChiliSoft ASP, this is no longer the software of choice for many reasons:

  • Newer software applications have come to market, some of which are easier to use.
  • Lack of technical support, making it a challenge to find help if or when you need it.
  • Difficulty finding a hosting platform that provides ChiliSoft ASP support.

Those who are interested in ChiliSoft ASP often compare the benefits and drawbacks to determine if it could work for them based on the application they are building.

More on ChiliSoft ASP

If you are running this software or interested in installing it, it is essential to learn more about the functionality and performance.

ChiliSoft ASP is an implementation of Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP) technology, however, there are some key differences when comparing this with Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS).

The primary difference, and one of the many reasons why users continue to rely on ChiliSoft ASP, is the ability to build ASP applications that have the capability of running on a variety of systems, including both IIS and Windows. ASP applications can also be built to run on servers under Sun Cobalt, Sun Solaris, IBM, Linux, Hewlett-Packard HP-UX, IBM AIX, Windows 2000, and Windows NT.

Features of ChiliSoft ASP

Designed for the easy setup of active server pages, ChiliSoft ASP is packed full of many features. These features are the ones that continue to attract and retain users:

  • Support for the most frequently used ASP standards.
  • Connectivity for all major databases.
  • The use of authentic Microsoft scripting engines.
  • Powerful ASP processing.
  • Diagnostic tools and server monitoring capabilities.
  • Compatibility with web application development tools, including Microsoft, Adobe, and Macromedia.

Choosing a Host

Due to the age and relative infrequent use of ChiliSoft ASP, choosing a host can be a challenge. There are still hosting companies that support this software, however, don’t expect them to have much knowledge.

Chili!Soft ASP Hosting Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Chili!Soft ASP?

    Chili!Soft ASP was designed as an alternative to Microsoft’s ASP. It was essentially an IIS emulator. The key benefit was that Chili!Soft ASP could be installed on non-Windows computers. However, its functionality was limited compared to Microsoft’s take on ASP.

  • Who originally developed Chili!Soft ASP?

    Charlie Crystle ran Chili!Soft, the company behind Chili!Soft ASP, until it was acquired by Cobalt Networks in 2000. Cobalt Networks was subsequently acquired by Sun, which was then acquired by Oracle.

  • How much did Cobalt Networks pay for Chili!Soft?

    The company was sold for $70 million.

  • How long was Chili!Soft ASP in development?

    Development started in 1996 under Chili!Soft. Through the course of its lifetime, the project was renamed to Sun Chili!Soft ASP, and then SunTM Java System Active Server Pages. Its last order date was in June 2007, which marked the End of Life phase for Chili!Soft ASP.

  • When was Chili!Soft purchased by Oracle?

    Oracle purchased Sun in 2010. Chili!Soft was owned by Sun at the time of the Oracle acquisition.

  • Which server technologies did Chili!Soft ASP support?

    Sun Solaris, Sun Cobalt, Linux, IBM AIX, Hewlett-Packard HP-UX, and Windows.

  • What was Sun Chili!Beans?

    Chili!Beans was an ActiveX control. It allowed developers to use Java classes in VBScript and similar engines.

  • Can I download Chili!Soft ASP to try it out?

    Yes, although you will need to find a hosting company that supports it, and those will be few and far between. Alternatively, you could search the internet for the installation files and install it on your own server. Be aware that any software that is out of date poses a potential security risk.

  • Is support available for Chili!Soft ASP?

    No. Oracle does not support Chili!Soft, and very few hosts have any practical experience of using it on modern servers.

  • Where can I find more information about the project?

    Sun’s documentation is still available, although it is obviously very out of date. You can read the old Chili!Soft ASP website at

  • Why have hosts abandoned Chili!Soft ASP?

    Hosting companies don’t like to run outdated software because it presents a security risk, and there is no support whatsoever for the software. In addition, some of the technologies that Chili!Soft ASP needs cannot be installed on modern Linux servers. Given that its implementation of ASP was basic, hosts prefer users to go with a Windows package instead.

  • Are there any modern alternatives to Chili!Soft ASP?

    If you want to code in ASP, the best method is to use Microsoft’s implementation. There are no true alternatives that fully support Active Server Pages on non-Windows servers.

  • Is mod_mono a good replacement for Chili!Soft ASP?

    Mono, or mod_mono, serves a different purpose. It adds ASP.NET support to Apache, but it does not support Classic ASP.

  • Can I use Apache:ASP instead of Chili!Soft ASP?

    Apache:ASP has been used to run ASP on Linux servers, but it uses PerlScript rather than VBScript. It is not a direct replacement for Microsoft ASP or Chili!Soft ASP.

  • What is the best alternative to Chili!Soft ASP for a dynamic website on Linux?

    If you are not tied to Windows, the simplest solution is to use PHP for your project.

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