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What is DBO Access Hosting?
DBO Access, or database owner access, refers to the permissions one has to view and edit a hosted database. Many hosting companies provide storage for users’ important data.

Why Choose DBO Access Hosting?
A database is an organized collection of characters, quantities, or symbols. Generally, the organization presents the data in a way that highlights certain aspects of events, services, society, commerce, or any other real situation. One example might be the personal information of patients in a medical office. The electronic database makes it easy for staff to learn, for instance, the prescriptions of a particular individual.
In order to manage what are often large and complex databases, users may employ Database Management System (DBMS) software. Among the more common DBMS software products are Oracle, Microsoft SQL Serverttp://www.whoishostingthis.com/compare/sql/”>SQL Server, Postgre SQL, Informix, MySQL, and Sybase (SQL standing for Structured Query Language). If you wish to have your database on the Internet, perhaps for an eCommerce site, you need a host that supports your specific DBMS. Further, the DBMS and host must ensure the utmost in security measures for the database owner (DBO).
The DBO manages access control for a database. Login credentials and passwords are part of determining who may and may not access a database. The DBMS is usually responsible for a significant portion of security.
If your database is hosted by a company that supports your DBMS, DBO access may be restricted by space, especially if you participate in shared hosting. Take some time to find a host that provides everything you need to manage your database securely and efficiently.