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What is an FAQ? How do you pronounce FAQ? What is some good software for creating an FAQ site? What are the benefits of FAQs? Where should I host my FAQ? These are all some Frequently Asked FAQ Questions.

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  • Online FAQs

What does FAQ stand for?

FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Questions. Some people like to say that it actually stands for Frequently Answered Questions.

What is an FAQ?

An FAQ isn’t just a single question that is asked frequently. An FAQ is a collection of questions that are Frequently Asked (or answered) by whoever it is that created the FAQ.

What is the purpose of an FAQ?

No matter how extensive, clear, and precise your documentation is, people will still have questions. Part of this has to do with the way documentation works. Part of it has to do with the way people read documentation. Part of it has to do with the fact that your documentation probably isn’t as clear as you think it is.

Since most people are probably trying to do similar things with your website, web application, or product, it is very likely that many people will have the same question, or remarkably similar questions. Questions that get asked frequently.

Creating an FAQ provides the answers to these questions in one helpful collection.

When should I think about making an FAQ?

There are two great times to start writing an FAQ.

  1. When you realize that you are answering the same question over and over. If a question is being asked frequently, it might be time to turn it into a Frequently Asked Question.

  2. When you are trying to figure out what your product will do or how it will work. This is a bit pre-emptive, and you might not even publish it. But starting to make educated guesses about what people will ask about your app, service, or product — and then answering those questions — can help guide the development and documentation of your project. This is a form of Readme Driven Development.

What are the benefits of creating an FAQ?

There are many.

  1. It is more efficient than answering the same questions over and over.

  2. Writing FAQs can improve your product or service.

  3. FAQs can help your Search Engine Optimization.

  4. FAQs are helpful to your customers or constituents.

How can FAQs improve my product or service?

The process of actually answering the questions people regularly ask can help you clarify why they are asking them in the first place, leading to better product development or process improvement. This happens a little bit when you respond to questions individually via email or other means, but it is different with an FAQ because you are forced to answer a generalized form of the question in a way that will help as many people as possible.

How can an FAQ improve my Search Engine Optimization?

Sometimes, people search based on topics. They type in single words or phrases like “discount web hosting” or “WordPress.”

But that is getting to be a less and less common way for people to interact with search engines.

More and more often, people are typing out entire questions into their search bar. People don’t just want to know about “discount web hosting” in general, they want to know “What is the best web host company for a WordPress blog?” or “How can an FAQ improve my Search Engine Optimization?”

By putting the entire text of a potential question into the header, title, and URL of a page, and then answering that question in a way that people find useful and shareable, you have a good chance of ranking well when people ask that question.

How do I set up an FAQ?

There are two common options.

  1. Use an FAQ-specific content management system, like FAQMasterFlex or phpMyFAQ. These are often available as free, one-click installs from your web hosting control panel.

  2. Use a more generalized content management system or blogging engine like WordPress or Drupal. You can simply make each question-and-answer a single page or blog post, and use categories and tags to help organize them. This has a lot of benefits (it is much more flexible), but it can also be more complicated. Also, blogs tend to display content in chronological order, which might not be appropriate to an FAQ. This is easy to fix, usually, but you’ll need to be aware of it.

Where should I host my FAQ?

First, decide if you want to use an FAQ-specific app, or a larger CMS. Then, find a web hosting company that supports the software you want to use.

How do you pronounce FAQ?

“Eff Ay Queue”

No one says “fack.” At least, no one should.

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