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A2 Hosting Lite plan
  • Support 4.5 stars
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4.5 stars
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($3.92/mo) Prices in   are approximate, based on current exchange rates. The host may charge you in USD.
LiquidWeb 1 GB VPS plan
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50GB 5,000GB
  • Support 4.5 stars
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  • Uptime 4.5 stars
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4.5 stars
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Beyond Hosting Compute Scalable VPS plan
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DigitalOcean 5 Monthly plan
20GB 2TB
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4.5 stars
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JavaPipe Tomcat Cloud – Entry plan
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2GB 50GB
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  • Features 4.5 stars
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($9.00/mo) Prices in   are approximate, based on current exchange rates. The host may charge you in USD.

What Is Joget?

Joget Workflow, sometimes also referred to simply as Joget, is an open source Business Process Management (BPM) platform intended to create workflow applications. It also provides a Rapid Application Development (RAD) platform for prototyping of new software.

Review Of Joget Workflow

Joget makes workflow application building easy, and helps you combine data records, processes, and forms for Web-based user viewing. The wizard style interface allows for dragging and dropping, and supports multiple languages. The Quick Edit mode lets designers and administrators identify and alter apps right from the User Interface (UI). Easily deploy components as packaged apps, and import or export those apps as needed.

Manage your workflow with Joget’s tools for monitoring current and completed projects. Plugins are available for Joget integration with external systems. Build Web-based forms, enjoy a flexible layout and configuration, and take advantage of mobile browser support.

BPM is an approach that seeks to align the processes of a business with the desires of the clients. It concentrates on efficiency and effectiveness through tools of innovation, technology, and flexibility. In computing terms, BPM software is a means of managing business processes by making them easier to see and monitor. Ultimately, it analyzes and makes the most of workflow.

Workflow is the specific tasks, people and tools of the business process. Often, room for improvements exists in these details, and BPM software, like Joget, highlights these items and facilitates solutions. Applications and software can then be created for fields like healthcare, human resources, customer relations, and many more.

How Does Joget Compare To Similar Systems?

Joget Workflow is one of many open source business process management systems on the market. While there are many healthcare providers and institutions in education, finance, government and utilities use Joget as their platform for BPM, you may still be considering another solution instead.

Below, we review Joget Workflow in comparison to two other alternatives for BPM. Which solution do you think will be best for you?

Joget Vs. Bonita: On the surface, these two softwares don’t appear to be that much different. However, Joget is normally seen to be simpler to use when compared to Bonita. Users with knowledge of both softwares give Joget higher marks for its simple user interface, a greater focus on visual appearance and a better administration interface. These benefits normally make it a better solution for businesses dipping into BPM softwares for the first time. In addition, Joget Workflow’s binding of human users outside of common business processes and “out of the box” SLA monitoring is also seen as an advantage it has over Bonita.

Joget Vs. Processmaker: In case studies comparing the community editions of both Joget and Processmaker, Joget received equal or higher ratings for its business rules, user management, form and database performance. Alternatively, Processmaker received better ratings for it’s business process management.

Joget Workflow Server Requirements

The most recent version of Joget Workflow is version 4. There is a community edition which is open source with a GPL license and an enterprise edition with a commercial license that is free for up to 3 users.

Both editions of Joget are available for download in bundles compatible for both Windows and Linux. Below are the download specs and server requirements for both editions.

Joget Community Edition Server Requirements

  • Version: 5.0.12
  • License: GPL (Open Source)
  • Description: Bundled with Apache Tomcat (Windows: also Java and MySQL)
  • Requirements: 512 MB Available RAM, 1 GB Disk Space

Joget Enterprise Edition Server Requirements

  • Version: 5
  • License: Commercial (3 users free)
  • Description: Bundled with Apache Tomcat (Windows: also Java and MySQL)
  • Requirements: 512 MB Available RAM, 1 GB Disk Space

Final Thoughts On Joget Workflow

For Joget hosting, consider one of the product’s hosting partners, A2, Jelastic, and UCG. These companies provide necessary components and helpful packages for optimal use.

Joget Hosting Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a Joget App?

    Joget isn’t designed to be used as-is right out of the box. Instead, you use Joget as a platform to build something on top of. The end product that you build on top of Joget is referred to as a Joget App.

  • How do I get Joget?

    Joget is available as a free download from the official Joget site. Go to the download page. Select the edition you wish to download. There are two versions available, Community and Enterprise, and each version is available for Windows and Linux, with the Linux version capable of being installed on Mac OS X as well.

  • How do I install Joget?

    Installation of Joget varies depending on the operating system of the server where you’re installing the software. The Windows installer is an executable installation wizard — just double-click and follow the wizard. Installation on Linux is completed via the command line and it’s recommended that you install Joget using Docker. Finally, installation on a Mac involves installing the dependencies first — Java and MySQL — followed by extraction of the Linux Joget bundle, execution of the included Apache Tomcat server, and finally setting up the database via a web-based interface.

  • Is Joget open source?

    Yes. However, the company that develops the Joget application does so independently and markets the Enterprise version of the application as commercial software. What that means is that you are free to grab a copy of the community edition, dive right into the code, and use it for free. However, development of the software is completed in-house by Joget, unlike other well-known open-source projects that are developed by the community of developer users.

  • What types of Apps can you create with Joget?

    Apps in Joget are created using a combination of forms, data lists, and HTML content. The content is presented in what is referred to as a userview. Finally, Joget Apps are built by combining these components and stringing them into a series of UI screens that describe a work process. For instance, a simple expense report app would include a form to fill out, which would then be walked through an approval process consisting of multiple review steps.

  • Can I upgrade from an older version of Joget to a newer version?

    Yes. However, it is not an automatic process. Upgrading involves deletion of a few key files and the replacement of those files with the updated versions. Prior to doing that, you’ll need to shut down Apache Tomcat and Joget. In addition, it is recommended that you upgrade a development copy of Joget before attempting to upgrade the production version.

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