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What is kbiki Hosting?
kbiki was a Knowledge Management (KM) system developed by DotNetPanel Software, for the .NET web development platform. It is no longer under development, nor is it supported by any software company.
Knowledge Management (KM)
How does an organization retain, share, and use the knowledge developed by its employees?
What is business knowledge
Every organization develops important operational, strategic, and cultural knowledge. This could be as complex as how to run a factory, or as minor as the best way to knock on a door when making sales visits.
Organizational knowledge includes the skills and abilities that individual employees bring with them to a job. However — as a business asset and an area of study —– knowledge management is especially concerned with the domain-specific expertise acquired by the company through its work.
Examples of important business knowledge include:
- Manufacturing processes
- Efficient procedural short cuts
- Secret recipes
- Project estimation techniques
- Customer engagement experience
Knowledge is not information and data
It’s important to distinguish between data, information, and knowledge.
Data is raw measurement. Data is stored in computers or displayed in graphs. Data requires translation to be meaningful.
Information is factual statements. In a business context, a lot of information is derived from data. Information answers questions like, “Which customer is the most profitable?” or “How much does our outsourced development team cost?”
Knowledge is procedural and personal. It is learned. Knowledge involves the intersection of information with real-life experience and human intuition.
Data can be stored on a server. Information can be put in a PowerPoint slide. Knowledge is shared between coworkers over lunch.
Knowledge Management Systems
A Knowledge Management System is a software system that provides the features of a Content Management System (CMS), with additional functionality to promote its use as a knowledge-sharing medium.
Features that promote knowledge sharing include:
- Collaborative editing and wikis
- Discussion boards
- Commenting systems
- Robust, natural language search
- Semantic markup
- Integration to Project Management and Customer Relationship management systems (for cross-referencing)
- Content permanence (the inability to absolutely delete items)
- Tagging
- Automatic cross-linking and “related posts”
- Rich media embedding
- Transparent diffs
One of the most important features for Knowledge Management systems is ease of use. If a KM system makes recording knowledge difficult, inconvenient, or unpleasant, it will be underused.
Knowledge Management for the Enterprise
Because of the benefits provided by a high degree of integration between a company’s Knowledge Management system and other information systems, Knowledge Management has become a subset of Enterprise Content Management and ERP software.
Kbiki Knowledge Management Software
Kbiki was a Knowledge Management software system based on the wiki collaborative editing model (the name combines “knowledge base” and “wiki”). This wiki-like design made it similar to websites like Wikipedia, though it used a different markup format and was not based on the same software.
Kbiki was originally developed by a Microsoft-affiliated software development company called DotNetPanel Software.
Their primary software offering, a web hosting control panel for Windows web servers built on the .NET framework, has been Open Sourced as WebSite Panel.The company itself has been similarly renamed and converted to a non-profit organization.
All active development of kbiki has stopped, and the software is no longer supported by the company. To date, no other software firms have shown interest in picking up development or support.
Kbiki Knowledge Management Features
- Concurrent, multi-user editing
- Fine grained access control at the page level
- Automated document linking
- WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) editing
- No complicated wiki-style text formatting
- Integrated spell checker
- Automated embedding of related content
- Table of Contents generation
- FAQ sections
- Article version control with roll-back and diff tracking
- Full content indexing
- Search results ranked by relevance, with search terms highlighted
- Dynamic tagging
- Automated cross-linking
- RSS feeds
- PDF export
- Glossaries
Kbiki Requirements
- .NET Framework 2.0
- IIS 6.0 with ASP.NET 2.0 enabled or IIS 7.0
- Indexing Services
- SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services SP1 or higher
- Installed SQL Server 2005 “Full-Text Search” feature
Kbiki Hosting
Since Kbiki is no longer supported or under active development, it is not recommended that you install this software for production use.
If you want to run Kbiki for research or other purposes, you will need to install it on a Windows-based server. Since most web hosting providers (and virtually all shared hosting plans) use Linux distributions, be sure to check the Operating System of your server before attempting to install Kbiki.