this might require sponsors, but I thought it might be a good idea to share this idea.
WHT.com gives away coupons for those who write quality reviews regarding web hosts.
Users, while particularly targeting those that never had any web hosting experience, should have the possibility to sign up for a host of their choce which is listed on WHT.com (via a special link).
The user will submit recorded telephone conversations with the host’s customer support and email support requests are submitted by a form provided by WHT. Those conversations are saved into a database, which can then be used (by WHT Staff) to give the host a rating. Forthermore, the user will be provided with testing scripts (PHP memory testing, server speed testing, etc…), and those logfiles should then be submitted to WHT.
If a user does not “cheat” and is satisfied with that host, he/she may get a 6 month free hosting coupon from that company.