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phpMyAdmin for Resellers

(2 posts)
  1. I have a fasthosts reseller account, and with that you have to install phpMyAdmin everytime you want to access any one of your SQL databases. Yet if you have a normal hosting account with them, they have it pre-installed and give you access to it through a link!!!

    Is there any work around?

    Posted 1 year ago #
  2. sage

    It is annoying when the tech support don’t understand the question, so are often unable to give a definitive solution.

    If they are like another reseller account I dealt with, you probably have to contact ONE specific person who can manually configure .htaccess files on their server, which allows you to access yours!

    Proceed with caution – and ALWAYS keep a local backup BEFORE making changes.

    You probably won’t have ROOT access (for good reason) to your actual server, but could be granted access which simulates those permissions.

    Posted 1 year ago #

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