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Web designer at your service

(3 posts)
  1. Honest looking designer…
    Born in the idyllic town of Wrexham, North Wales, I am a freelance web and graphic designer, proud to be a geek. My main interests lay in the realms of web design, yet I do like to have the occasional dip into photography and graphic design. In my spare time, I cheer for Fernando Alonso, and look at my darling suzuki swift.

    …With Good Sence of Humour
    Why did the chicken cross the road? – Okay well maybe i’m not the best joke teller, but the rest of the rumours are true. What I am good at is Web design, Graphic design, and well anything with a bit of code behind it. See, I’m not just a pretty face.

    So, If you have any web design, Graphic design or any geek-related work, give me a shout.


    Posted 1 year ago #
  2. mbanks

    Have you worked with WordPress and Thesis? I might be interested. Post up some sites for review.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  3. Just looked though your web works, really really nice designs you have there!

    Posted 1 year ago #

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