Little Oak Hosting Review: Hosting for Mac Enthusiasts

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Little Oak Introduction

Founded in 2007, Little Oak brings a hometown approach to Web hosting services. They’re a California-based, family owned business. The company specializes in hosting for Mac users. Their servers are located in the One Willshire Building, a Tier 1 facility. They do not outsource. Little Oak is partnered with Realmac Software, creators of RapidWeaver site design software for Mac. RapidWeaver and its plugins work automatically with Little Oak.


All Little Oak staff are trained in Mac OS X, as well as Linux and Windows. They even provide support for RapidWeaver software users. Little Oak maintains a knowledge base and frequently asked questions section. Contact support via ticketing, email, or phone is available 24/7, and based in the United States.


The main goals of Little Oak cloud Web hosting are personal, experienced support and specialized service for Mac users. Numerous features are included across all three service tiers.
  • 100% uptime service level agreement (SLA)
  • Mac friendly
  • RapidWeaver friendly, including support
  • Company-owned data center; nightly backups, immediate security updates
  • Unlimited* MySQL databases and users
  • Free SiteBuilder
  • Unlimited* domain aliases, subdomains, and external domains
  • Unlimited* email accounts; Webmail, Internet message access protocol (IMAP), and Post office protocol 3 (POP3)
  • Forwarding, auto-responders, 256-bit encryption
  • Traffic stats
  • Firewall and virus protection included
  • Free shared secure sockets layer (SSL)
  • $125 advertising credits
  • Unlimited* Quicktime streaming
  • Other multimedia supported; Real Networks streaming, Macromedia Flash, Shockwave, Microsoft Silverlight
  • Domain name servers (DNS) management
  • Server side includes (SSI) support
  • PHP Hypertext preprocessor (PHP), custom PHP, Perl, dynamic hypertext markup language (HTML), IonCube loader, Javascript, asynchronous Javascript and extensible markup language (AJAX)

Sapling Cloud

A very basic package perfect for individuals.
  • 5 GB disk space
  • 50 GB monthly bandwidth
  • Unlimited* websites

Habitat Cloud Pro

This mid-level plan has features well-suited to small businesses.
  • 15 GB disk space
  • 500 GB monthly bandwidth
  • Unlimited* websites

Chestnut Cloud Pro

The best option for businesses and sites with media and streaming needs.
  • 25 GB disk space
  • 1 TB monthly bandwidth
  • Unlimited* websites
*When hosts describe anything as “unlimited,” it is typically boundless except in cases of abuse. A user may be charged a penalty or be required to subscribe to a more robust package if they are overburdening the servers.

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  • U.S. based support
  • Specialized features and support for Mac users
  • Very low prices


  • No free trial or money back guarantee
  • No month-to-month billing
  • Cloud hosting only

The Verdict

Little Oak is a small business with limited offerings and a special emphasis on Mac-friendly hosting. All their hosting is cloud-based, but the pricing is on par with less expensive shared hosting plans offered by competitors. The three packages Little Oak offers are great for small to medium businesses and individuals. If you’re a Mac user looking for basic, low-cost hosting and round-the-clock, U.S.-based support, Little Oak may be the right choice for you.
Sapling CloudHabitat Cloud-ProChestnut Cloud-Pro
Disk Space5GB15GB25GB
Price $6.67 / mo
Usual price:  Get  % off!
$13.33 / mo
Usual price:  Get  % off!
$26.67 / mo
Usual price:  Get  % off!
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Adam Michael Wood

About Adam Michael Wood

Adam specializes in developer documentation and tutorials. In addition to his writing here, he has authored engineering guides and other long-form technical manuals. Outside of work, Adam composes and performs liturgical music. He lives with his wife and children in California.

Connect with Adam

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