MDDHosting Hosting Review: Should You Go With This Fast-growing Newcomer?

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MDDHosting Introduction

MDDHosting is a relatively new hosting provider that currently offers a variety of hosting plans designed for individuals and businesses alike. MDDHosting offers basic shared hosting all the way to private servers designed for larger companies that require dedicated servers for their infrastructure needs. Currently, the company is a small provider but has seen impressive growth since its originally founding.

Company History

Unlike many hosting companies, MDDHosting is rather young having been founded in 2007. However, the company prides itself on who it is and freely shares its history with all its potential customers. The hosting company is young and small, but it is growing as more and more people and businesses begin to adopt MDDHosting as their preferred hosting provider.


MDDHosting may be a young company, but they offer an impressive range of services designed for websites of all sizes. Whether you are a large company seeking a dedicated server or simply a new blog owner, MDDHosting has a plan that is right for you.

Shared Hosting – MDDHosting offers some of the most varied shared hosting plans around. These many different plans are designed for websites of all shapes and sizes and you can easily upgrade or downgrade services as the needs of your site changes. Even their shared hosting plans are tiered, with some of their highest end shared plans featuring fewer websites on the same server so you gain access to faster speeds than you can find on their more basic shared plans.

VPS Hosting – Designed for websites that need a little more control and a little more speed, MDDHosting’s virtual private servers provide just the right amount of speed and control many midsized websites need to remain competitive. These servers offer you more control over how your web server is configured along with more bandwidth that far surpasses their basic shared hosting plans.

Dedicated Servers – Created to serve the needs of large websites and large companies, MDDHosting provides dedicated servers that can be controlled and configured however you see fit. With your site being the only one hosted on a dedicated server, you will find your site will load lightning fast as the powerful servers used by MDDHosting shares your site with all your visitors in no time.

Reseller Hosting – If you have been looking to expand your business ventures on the web, you can easily become a reseller selling domain names and hosting packages to your visitors and other customers. MDDHosting allows you to sell the services, while they provide all the support and the infrastructure you need to create a thriving reseller business.

MDDHosting Reviews by Our Community

Overall Rating from 5 Reviews by MDDHosting Customers


Most Helpful Reviews

Malik Olabiyi avatar
Malik Olabiyi
Sep 12, 2018

Hello, I am always confused when it comes to choosing a web hosting. Some bloggers (even professional bloggers) recommended Digital Oceans, Vultr, Linode etc. But I am not a noob, I can’t setup the kind of hosting, they have no cpanel.

So in searching for the other best cloud hosting server, I came across Mddhosting. Though they have shared cloud hosting server while those ones have cloud vps server, but I really love mddhosting, support and everything is good. I asked them questions about their web hosting and they said the truth. You should also try them, they are just too good.

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Adam avatar
Feb 26, 2011

Mddhosting is by far the best hosting I have ever used. The support goes above and far beyond their duties to help me. I don’t even have to ask for their help to help me with an issue, they just do it free of charge. LiteSpeed makes all my sites run super fast, their servers are great, uptime is great, and there really is nothing bad to say about them.

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Mark Emag avatar
Mark Emag
Jan 02, 2015

I started my first site a few years ago and with significant help from MDD hosting got it to work. I’m now looking to get my next site up and running and I’m not dreading the process since I know the support is there. When I’ve sent emails they’ve been quick to respond.

I asked for a special memory need at one time because a search determined that’s what would fix my problem. Mddhosting was skeptical it would work but gave me the need authority and it worked. They were willing and have been willing to help me out from basics of getting my email through mozzilla up and running to the site itself.

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Network and Uptime

Currently, MDDHosting operates one data center outside of Denver, CO and currently builds servers using on the latest in server hardware technology. The data center itself is securely maintained and offers cooling and humidity controlled environments that ensure that all the servers run smoothly each and every day. Like other providers, MDDHosting offers a 99.9% uptime guarantee outside of any regular server maintenance that is needed to ensure optimal performance and stability every day of the week.

Customer Service and Support

MDDHosting offers support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week using their support ticket system. In addition, they offer their users an email address where they can contact support without ever having to use the ticket system if they don’t want to.

On top of that, you can reach the company during normal business hours Monday through Friday with any questions you may have. The staff is knowledgeable and helpful and is able to help solve most issues in a matter of just a few short hours. If your problem is more complicated, it may take more time, but MDDHosting is dedicated to providing top notch customer server every step of the way.

Billing Procedures and Policies

MDDHosting offers competitive prices on all their hosting packages with the ability to register with them for multiple years at a time. While they do not offer a month to month feature, you can choose to order for a minimum of one year or if you plan on staying with them for a long time, you can even register your service for 10 years at a time.

No matter how long you sign up for initially, you receive a 30 day money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied within 30 days, you will receive a full refund not including any additional setup fees that you may incur when you sign up.


MDDHosting is a relative newcomer to the hosting provider business, but since 2007 they have come a long way and now provide an impressive array of services designed for websites of all shapes and sizes. With their impressive support via a ticket system, email and even the availability of phone support, you can easily get your problems solved quickly.

If you are looking for a new company that provides outstanding services to its customers, then MDDHosting could be the right provider for your website needs.

Shared Basic
Disk Space5GB
Price $7.50 / mo
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Brian Wu

About Brian Wu

Brian specializes in technology and medicine. This isn’t surprising given he now has a PhD in integrative biology and disease and an MD with a focus on holistic treatment. In the past, he’s been an actor. Brian lives in southern California.

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