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User Reviews – Total: 2


For a response by the support you’ll need a lot of time, because eveyrtime it takes in the best cases between 4 and 8 hours for them to respond to you. Worst case was a couple of times up to 48 hours.

The support and help is below everything I ever had. They send you responses which are completely helpless and are giving you always the reason for any problem which occurs. They are suspending the site as well as complete blocking whitout any reason and notice. (So you’ll be probably unable to fix the problems which led maybe to the suspending… 🙁 )

The server and hosting packages seem to be very easy hackable, because the hosting were hacked and missused almost once in a month…

I wouldn’t recommend routhost at all.


Our web site was down for two month because of Routhost unacceptable level of service. We have moved away and we advise other customers to run away from this.

We have paid to Routhost the renewal of our domain name in due time and we have got automatic message from them that our domain nave has been renewed.
But on practice Routhost has not renewed our domain name at all and our domain has been placed into expired domain finally by the end of September 2010. Despite numerous tickets submitted, we only received dumb replies (28/09/2010. “I have contacted registrar regarding your domain status. You will be updated as soon as we know more details. Andrew J”. 29/09/2010. “I have requested renewal for your domain. Andrew Team”)

Finally only 05/10/2010 we have got Routhost message. (Remark. Our web site has been down already one week)
“Although your domain was expiring on 30th of September ( Remark. We have paid the renewal of the domain in August,27,2010) apparently EU registrar has changed way in which it is processing all expiring domains. As such, all expiring domains for September 1-30, are processed as expired on 28th of September. For this reason, your domain has been placed into expired domain list and there is a redemption fee of $250 to be paid to renew it again.”

We have asked Routhost many times why we have to pay $250 if we have paid already their renewal fee of our domain in due time and why they have failed to renew the domain. No answer at all.

We advise other customers to run away of Routhost`s service.

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RoutHost Hosting
RoutHost was founded in 2003 in South Carolina, and now operates out of Canada as well as the
U.S. It has an exceptionally strong focus on providing fast, reliable hosting services in an
environmentally friendly manner. It offers three main hosting plans, virtual private servers
(VPS), server colocation, dedicated servers, domains, and 24/7 phone and chat support.


Whether you’re already a RoutHost customer or not, you can access their online support portal at
any time. With the support portal, you can browse frequently asked questions (FAQs), view news
and announcements, submit a trouble ticket to their support team, ask pre-sales questions, view
live server status information, and more. And, after you’ve become a RoutHost customer, you
can also speak to a knowledgeable representative directly through their new 24/7 phone and chat


RoutHost offers three hosting plans, a variety of server-related products, and domains.

  • 100% eco-friendly hosting
  • Unlimited* email boxes, autoresponders, fowarders, and mailing lists
  • cPanel control panel
  • PHP Hypertext preprocessor (PHP)
  • Up to 500 GB of disk space
  • Up to 500 GB of bandwidth
  • SpamAssassin filter
  • Webmail
  • Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) server
  • Free shopping carts
  • Autoinstall scripts
  • Point-and-click SiteBuilder

*When hosts describe anything as “unlimited,” it is typically boundless except in cases of
abuse. A user may be charged a penalty or be required to subscribe to a more robust package if
they are overburdening the servers.

Green Servers

RoutHost offers several different kinds of server products, all of which are designed to reduce
your carbon footprint while simultaneously making use of technologically advanced servers.

  • Virtual private servers (VPS)
  • Dedicated servers
  • Server colocation services
  • No server setup fee
  • Extremely redundant
  • Complete customizability on every VPS plan
  • Highly trained IT professionals to keep servers up and running
  • Full root access
  • Choice of CentOS or Debian operating system with all VPS plans
  • Choice of WebMin or LXAdmin control panel with all VPS plans
  • All servers run exclusively with renewable electricity


Whether you’re looking to purchase a new domain or maintain a pre-existing one, RoutHost has
lots of options for you.

  • More than 60 top-level domains (TLD) to choose from
  • Quick and easy domain availability checker
  • Simple domain search
  • Bulk domain search
  • Bulk domain transfer
  • Extensive and thorough pricing information
  • Domain registration, transference, and renewal


  • 24-hour phone and chat support
  • Plans to suit all budgets and purposes
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Hosting plans, server plans, and domain services all in one place
  • Diligently maintained datacenter and servers for optimal reliability


  • Lower-level hosting plans offer significantly less disk space and bandwidth than the highest
    level plan
  • Cheapest VPS plan offers only the bare minimum of disk space, bandwidth, and random
    access memory (RAM).

The Verdict

All in all, if you’re looking for intuitive, professional hosting services, reliable server products,
or easy domain registration and management, RoutHost can be a great option for you. Instead of
sacrificing quality in the name of the environment, RoutHost gives you the best of both worlds;
its eco-friendly ethos acts as the cherry on top of its great products, instead of being the main

RoutHost Hosting Plans

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