Python is a general-purpose programming language, meaning it can be used to create almost any computer program—including websites. It’s surprisingly easy to learn yet still powerful enough for some of the most advanced web applications, making it an excellent language for web developers.

Making websites with Python is easier than most people think because this language leverages frameworks, which are prebuilt selections of code that are made to perform specific tasks. Frameworks can add structure to your site, perform common functionalities, and ultimately cut down the total amount of actual coding you need to perform—saving you a ton of time.

While Python definitely makes it easier to build a website fast and efficiently, you still need to have certain things in place to ensure success. Follow these essential steps below to create a website with Python.

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Set Up Python Web Hosting

As with any website, you’ll need good hosting. Almost all web hosting companies today will support running websites using Python code. Some, however, are better than others or specialize in hosting these types of sites.

Taking the time to find the right hosting company for your Python website will help ensure you don’t run into trouble down the road. While most hosting companies can run Python-based sites, those that don’t have it as a focus may not keep their systems updated to the latest versions of Python. This can cause your website to load incorrectly if you use updated versions before the hosting provider is ready.

Some hosting providers come with Python pre-installed. But if you want to install the latest release of Python locally on your host, you may need to be on a specific type of hosting plan—such as a virtual private server (VPS).

All of our featured partners have excellent support for Python at affordable price points. Check them out below to learn more.

It Always Seems Impossible Until Its Done
Source: SiteGround

Nail the Basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript 

If you’re a seasoned developer who already has a firm grasp of HTML, CSS, and Javascript, you can go ahead and jump to the next step. But if you’re new and don’t have a solid handle on these languages, you’ll have a tough time building a site with Python.

HTML and CSS are the foundation of web development. Without them, you won’t be able to build anything on the front end (the part that your visitors will see).

You’ll also need to understand JavaScript, which is a client-side scripting language that’s a must-have for all websites.

You can use our HTML cheat sheet as a quick reference as you’re going through this process.

Choose Your Framework 

One of the most important steps when creating a website using Python is choosing your framework. There are quite a few different popular frameworks that will make it faster and easier to make a website. The following are among the most popular Python web frameworks used today:

  • Django: Django is one of the most recognized options as it uses the “Don’t Repeat Yourself” principle, allowing you to reuse code. It also has several great Python libraries that are ready to use.
  • Flask: Flask is a microframework that’s not open source, which makes it great for some people. This framework is also compatible with Google App Engine, which is key for some people.
  • Web2Py: This full-stack open-source framework can run on almost any web hosting platform. It also has built-in security measures for common web vulnerabilities.
  • AIOHTTP: AIOHTTP is an asynchronous framework with both a server and client-side function, making it very useful for many sites.

There are, of course, dozens of other frameworks to choose from. Finding the right one based on your needs may take a little time, but it’s well worth the effort.

Code Your Website 

Once you have your framework, you’ll be ready to begin coding your website. You’ll spend most of your time here, though many first-time users are surprised at how quickly it can go. Thanks to of the established Python frameworks, the bulk of the steps that need to be manually coded when using other languages are already in place.

An experienced Python web developer can have a website up and running relatively quickly. Using the right frameworks, you could have an extremely basic site up in well under an hour. A typical website will typically take about a day if you don’t include creating the actual content for the site. After initially coding your site, you’ll constantly update and improve it to keep it current and functioning properly.

Pros and Cons and Building a Website With Python 

Python is just one of the dozens of ways to create a website. If you’re on the fence about whether this is the best option for your site, you can refer to the pros and cons below for guidance.

Benefits of Building a Website With Python

  • Python’s code is shorter than other programming languages, making it easier to implement, debug, and make changes.
  • Since Python is open-source, you’ll have tons of frameworks and free tools at your disposal.
  • Python is scalable and secure, which are both crucial for creating a website.
  • If you’re new to coding, Python is relatively easy to learn compared to other programming languages.
  • Python has amazing data visualization capabilities, keeping your code simple with the ability to express data points in several different ways.

Drawbacks of Building a Website With Python

  • If you don’t have any coding experience, you’ll need to learn HTML and CSS in addition to Python—which isn’t something that happens overnight.
  • Building a website with Python will take much longer than using a simple website builder with drag-and-drop capabilities.
  • Any collaborators who don’t know Python will struggle to help on the backend of your site, meaning you’ll always need to have access to development resources.

Resources for Learning Python Coding 

If you don’t already know Python code, or this will be your first time using it for website programming, you’ll need to learn some key points to get started. Python is widely considered one of the easiest programming languages to learn today. Additionally, no matter what level of learning you require, resources are available to you.

Consider some great options:

  •’s Python for Beginners Page: This is an excellent introduction to Python that explains what it is, how it works, and much more.
  • Best Python Hosting: Read our reviews of the best Python web hosting companies.
  • Python’s Official Website: The Python website is a great resource. You can download the source code and installers, which is critical. It also has some great documentation to get you going.
  • Python Class from Google: Google uses Python for many things, and it offers a good class to help get web developers started. This is a free class that can be very helpful.
  • Python Videos: If you like to learn things by seeing them in a video, this page has a lot of great resources to help get you going.
  • Languages and Frameworks: If you still aren’t certain that Python is the right option, we created an overview of different languages and frameworks to help you understand your options to pick the best one.

FAQS About Building a Website with Python

Is it hard to learn Python?

Python is considered one of the easiest programming languages to learn. While anyone can learn Python programming — even if you’ve never written a line of Python code before — you should expect it to take time. In general, it takes around two to six months to learn the fundamentals of Python.

Can you recommend a project for beginners in Python?

My advice would be to watch a tutorial video, build the project, break it apart and rebuild it your own way. Experiment with adding new features or using different methods. That will test if you have really learned the concepts or not.

What is the best way to learn Python?

There are many ways to learn Python. Here are some tips that can help you get started:

  • Start with a simple project and enhance the functionality as you code.
  • Take a reputed online course to kickstart your Python journey.
  • Learn the syntax along the way. Don’t spend too much time on learning the syntax alone.
  • Have a project set up with an IDE like PyCharm, start coding.
  • Experiment with adding new features or using different methods.
  • Make sure you completely understand and have extensive hands-on experience at each level before you move to the next one.

Will it cost me anything to learn Python?

You can download Python, use Python, sell your Python apps and code and even learn Python, all for free. There are many free online courses available that can help you learn Python.

How is Python used in the industry?

Python is used in many industries such as finance, healthcare, insurance, aerospace, entertainment, and more. Python programming is a skill that can be used in virtually any industry, as well as in positions far beyond just web development.

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