Complete Beginner’s Guide To Building a Successful Blog

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You’ve chosen your niche and bought your domain and hosting, and your blog is all set up and ready to go. You click “New post” and stare at the empty white screen in front of you…

Now what? What makes an irresistible blog post title? What topics make the most interesting blog posts, and what if you run out of blog post ideas after writing about the same topic for a month or a year? Where do other bloggers get all those great photos and images from, and what do all those different Creative Commons licenses mean?

Ultimate Guide to Blogging for Beginners
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The Path to Blogging Success

The availability of free blogging software and content management systems like WordPress makes starting a blog more popular than ever, with thousands of new WordPress sites being created every day.

Some beginners may think that blogging just means writing what you feel like and hitting “Publish.” While that may work if you’re just blogging for fun, it won’t cut it if you want to build an audience and have a bigger purpose for your blog.

With millions of blog posts being published to the web every day, your blog won’t be read by anyone unless you work to make it stand out from the crowd.

You don’t have to guess and experiment to discover how to attract readers and grow your own audience. We’ve gathered the research for you, and included expert advice and actionable tips on how to attract your readers’ attention and keep them hooked.

If you’re not sure how to craft a blog post title that gets clicks, the guide has a section with suggestions and examples you can use on your next post. It also goes over exactly what makes an interesting introduction to your post, and formats and examples you can use to hook your readers in. Then we have tips on keeping your readers’ attention throughout your post by offering valuable, specific information, asking questions, and avoiding jargon.

Motivation to Stay the Course

Even many successful blogs don’t stick around for long. While creating a new blog is easy, the act of consistently maintaining a blog requires much more work than most people think.

When you’re stuck in a rut, or suffering from writer’s block, just read through our guide to get great ideas for interesting blog post topics. There’s a whole section with tips and techniques for brainstorming blog post topics and evaluating all your ideas.

We’ll also teach you how to get started curating content, which can help to supplement your created content and position you as a leader in your niche or industry. Our guide will show you which sources to use, and how to find the best content to curate for your readers, and how to attribute your sources.

When your blog begins to grow, you can check out the sections on creating a style guide for your blogging team to keep consistent, helping everyone to stay on the same page with an editorial calendar.

Avoid Costly Blogging Mistakes

Many beginners to blogging make common mistakes in the beginning of their journey that can cost them readers, lose them money, and even open them up to expensive lawsuits.

Our guide will help you to avoid losing readers to common blogging mistakes, and give you advice on the best free resources for finding content, sources, and images so you don’t have to spend a dime beyond your hosting and domain.

Not only will our guide help you to build a successful blog, but it’ll also help to keep you out of legal trouble as well. Quoting a source without the right attribution or using a picture that’s not legally licensed for your use could get you sued and end up being a costly mistake. Our guide will tell you exactly which websites to search for legally available images, what licenses to look for, and how to attribute your sources so you don’t get in legal trouble.

Blogging ebook inside
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The Ultimate Guide to Blogging for Beginners will teach you to:

  • Craft magnetic headlines that get your posts clicks.
  • Write interesting hooks or leads to engage your readers’ attention.
  • Keep your readers captivated with your storytelling skills.
  • Legally curate content to offer more value to your audience.
  • Create a style guide to keep your blog consistent.
  • Edit and polish each post to eliminate errors before publishing.
  • Plan a consistent editorial calendar.
  • Research and evaluate credible sources for your blog posts.
  • Search for appropriate images and know how to use them legally.

You can learn the basics of how to build a successful blog, and avoid common and costly blogging errors, by downloading our free Ultimate Guide To Blogging For Beginners.

KeriLynn Engel

About KeriLynn Engel

KeriLynn has worked as a freelance writer for various websites. She is an advocate for domestic abuse victims and has way too many hobbies.


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