Video: How To Craft Blog Posts That Bring Readers

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Whether you’re blogging as a hobby or for business, each blog post is a powerful tool for creating connections with your readers and deepening your relationship with your audience.

Blogging Helps You Reach People

Blogging can help you to reach people you’d never meet otherwise. You can build up a community of followers, a tribe of like-minded people who share your interests and love reading your insights.

Blogging for business can help you boost your search engine rankings and get more people on your business website, and market your business to all the people searching for your products or services online.

It can also help you to establish trust with your audience, answer common questions and objections, and convince them that you’re the best choice to buy from.

But blogging can’t do any of that if it’s done poorly or incorrectly!

Readers are spoiled for choice today. There’s so much content out there on the web that no one’s going to waste their time reading a blog that’s sub-par. Instead, they’ll just click away and find something more interesting.

Building Readers

You’re blogging for a reason: you want readers! You can’t just write whatever you want, throw words on the page, and expect it to work.

If you want results from your blog, you need to be strategic and intentional about it.

To attract more readers to your blog and keep them on the page, you’ll need to sharpen those blogging skills and learn how to write a killer blog post.

What a Killer Blog Does

Learning the secrets of a killer blog post will help you to:

  • Get your posts shared more on social media

  • Attract more readers

  • Keep readers on your website longer

  • Deepen your relationship with your readers — they’ll respect and trust you more

  • Build your brand and reputation as a high quality blogger.

Ready to up your blogging game? Before you write your next post, watch the video below to find out how.

Video Summary: What to Do

Catching and holding your reader’s attention is key. The most important thing you title. Grab attention with a riveting title:

  • Use strong language: “Killer Tips for Starting a Blog”

  • Ask a question: “Where Has Social Media Gone Wrong?”

  • Your title should demonstrate importance and urgency, and demonstrate mastery of the topic.

Additionally, use the following tips to catch your reader’s interest and keep them reading:

  • Tell a story with your blog post. Make it personal.

  • Back your statements with data, and cite sources.

  • Pose a question related to your readers’ concerns and doubts.

  • Display shocking or overwhelming statistics.

  • Share quotes from experts in your industry.

  • Communicate clearly; avoid industry jargon.

  • Be sure the content fulfills the promise of the title.

Further Reading and Resources

We have more guides, tutorials, and infographics related to creating a killer blog:

Secrets of a Killer Blog Post: Content

Want to really dive into the nuts and bolds of creating a killer blog post? Check out our infographic, Secrets of a Killer Blog Post: Content.

KeriLynn Engel

About KeriLynn Engel

KeriLynn has worked as a freelance writer for various websites. She is an advocate for domestic abuse victims and has way too many hobbies.


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September 19, 2019

I’d love to see a post on content engagement and reader attention span.

Many blog posts seem to have the basic framework of appeal, yet people often don’t make enough time to read purely out of interest. Or they simply don’t have the time?
