How To Get More Likes For Your Facebook Page – Video Tutorial

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According to recent estimates, there are almost 1 billion people on Facebook. Like almost every business trying to build their company’s presence online, we are sure you want to leverage that massive global audience.

The most efficient way to do that is by getting the population of Facebook users interested in your products or services to like your page. The more likes your page, the more opportunities you have to communicate with these potential buyers.

Below is a short, helpful video that will explain some of the best strategies for increasing the number of likes you can have on your Facebook page.

Content Sharing Strategies:


Regularly considered to be the most popular form on content on Facebook, photos are a great way to visually tell your brand’s story and humanize your company at the same time.

Outside of sharing photos, links to content on the web outside of Facebook are probably the most commonly shared items on the leading social network.

Your blog posts, press releases, and any media mentions featuring your company are certainly share-worthy on Facebook.

While your fans on Facebook are likely willing to consume this content if they find it interesting and congratulate your company on its success, there are other forms of content more likely to increase the number of likes your page receives.

Instead of simply sharing your own content, consider sharing articles and helpful links related to the causes your business supports, or to causes you know your Facebook fans are passionate about.

Anything related to your business that can tie into the day’s trending topics are also good, because many of those news items can generate an emotional reaction in your fans, which means they are more likely to comment on the links or like them (depending on how they feel, of course).


If there is a cause, issue, or news topic related to your business that you want to get feedback on from your Facebook fans, providing them with a survey is a great way to find out how they feel.

Make sure you are upfront with your fans about how much time the survey may take, and make sure to offer them some type of incentive for giving you their feedback.

Coupons and discounts for your products and services are always appreciated by your fans. However, many studies show trips and new technology are far more likely to generate a response on Facebook.

Status Update Strategies:

Get Involved In Your Industry

It would be short-sighted of you to fail to acknowledge that your competitors are also on Facebook. One effective way to get your business in front of customers that might be new to you is by engaging with content shared on pages operated by your competitors.

By liking related pages to your industry – whether its competitors, trade associations, or media outlets with Facebook pages – you will be able to stay up to date on what your industry is buzzing about every day. Once you have an idea of what matters to your industry (and its customers) you should be able to offer your own expertise and insights on those topics, helping to position your business as a thought-leader in your industry.

Facebook Advertising To Increase Your Page Likes

Of course, Facebook also offers a wide variety of advertising opportunities to businesses looking to grow the likes on their page. Studies and our own experience says that if you really want to get the attention of a potential customer through Facebook advertising, you may want to run a contest.

While you can’t directly ask for a like in order to get entered into a contest, hosting a contest will certainly help bring new eyeballs to your Facebook page and increase the opportunity for you to generate more likes.

Related Resources:

Get Facebook to Buy Your Startup – Take a look at our illustrated guide, and Facebook may soon be knocking on your door.

WhoIsHostingThis on Facebook – Follow us on Facebook to get updated on our latest guides and resources for webmasters.

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