Resources and Guides for Webmasters, Teachers and Professionals

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We’ve put together guides, resources, how-tos, tutorials, tools, tips, and tricks to build you a one-stop repository for any and all internet questions. From our beginner’s guide to HTML, all the way to what to do is you get penalized by Google, we’ve covered everything.

Plus there’s some free stuff, just for you. Enjoy (and don’t forget to share!)

Web Hosting 101

The back-end world of hosting a website can be a scary place. With dozens of companies, offering infinite combinations of products and services, cloaked in jargon like LAMP, SATA II HDD, GHz CPU clock speed, and RAID, how do you know you’re getting what you really need?

To help you out, we’ve put together a couple of guides to help you get a handle on the web hosting world. We cover the basics of hosting and give you the tools so you know what to look for when you’re finding a host — what benefits are worth it, what questions you should be asking, and how to recognize companies that are all talk and no follow through.

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What is a Domain Name?

Domain names are what guide people around all the millions of computers that make up the internet.

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The Ultimate Web Hosting FAQ

If you have a question about web hosting, we have a list of over 500 answers.

6 Reasons Your Web Designer Doesn't Want to Host Your Website

6 Reasons Your Web Designer Doesn’t Want to Host Your Website

Why you should get a real hosting company.

Guides and Tutorials for Webmasters has been in this business for a long time. And that means that we almost always have the answer to even the trickiest of questions. But we’re not interested in hiding this knowledge.

That’s why we’ve publish the answers to all the questions people have asked over the last decade. The questions span the entire field: what to do if your website gets hacked? How do you learn HTML? And how do you get started with web analytics?

Our tutorials are your one stop shop for thorny technical problems, research, and the business side of running a website. Odds are, if something’s not working right online, our webmasters have encountered it, fixed it, and written a step-by-step guide so you can too.

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Programming Resources

Introduction, history, plus in-depth guides.

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How to Become a Professional Programmer

If you like programming, it isn’t hard to turn it into a career.

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Building A Kid Friendly WebSite

Do you want to build a website that kids actually want to use? Here’s your guide!

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HTML for beginners

Learn to code for the web. Perfect for beginners, and really useful for experienced coders too.

Diagnosing and fixing hacked websites tutorial.

Is My Website Hacked?

Here’s how you find out if you’re compromised, and what you do next if you are.

Google Rankings: Understand, Diagnose and Fix

Sometimes it just happens. Here’s how to set things right.

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.htaccess – Ultimate Guide

This guide covers this important file with tutorials, tips and code samples.

WordPress Fixes & Troubleshooting Guide

The best tips and tutorials for WordPress users.

Joomla Fixes, Troubleshooting and Security

Learn to fix your Joomla site fast with this guide.

The Ultimate List of Webmaster Tools A-Z

Need help with designing? Marketing? Security? It’s all here and much, much more.

Database Administration — ANSI SQL Standards and Guidelines

Learn all about the SQL standards.

HTTP Status Codes

Usually, webpages just load. But sometimes they spit out an error number. Confused? You needn’t be.

Ultimate Guide to Moving Web Hosts

Do you want to change web hosts but are afraid of breaking your website. We can help.

A Short History of FTP with Resources

A Short History of FTP with Resources

This guide discusses its history, encryption issues, and more.

How to Choose the Right CMS

How to Choose the Right CMS

Chosing the right CMS is hard, but this guide will help you through the process.

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Alternatives to FrontPage

FrontPage was great in its day. Today there are much better tools.

Open-Source Software Licenses

This introduction to open-source licensing includes an overview of 50 difference licenses.

Alternatives to Dead WordPress Plugins

We’ve come up with alternatives to 66 of the most popular plugins.

Mod_rewrite Introduction and Cheat Sheet

Learn all about the Apache mod_rewrite that creates “pretty” URLs.

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Lorem Ipsum Introduction and Resources

This guide teaches you the dummy text standard, Lorem Ipsum, and more.

101 Must Have WordPress Plugins

Plugins for site administration, security, SEO, social media, and more.

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Coding Bootcamps Throughout the US

Our list of over 250 coding bootcamps available in the 34 largest cities in the United States.

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CSS3: Intro, Guides, and Resources

Create great looking and most important maintainable websites.

How to Choose the Right CMS

3D Graphics Tools — Models and Rendering

Models and applications to create stunning 3D graphics.

All About ZIP Files

Learn about compression and encryption with ZIP files and its alternatives.

Online Marketing and Social Media

Need more Facebook likes and Twitter followers? Want to know the secrets to a killer blog post that your visitors will want to share? Check out these tutorials to help grow your social media presence and tips on creating viral content.

Secrets of a Killer Blog Post [Video]

This short video provides actionable advice about crafting and promoting your blog posts.

Get More Facebook Likes

How To Get More Facebook Likes [Video]

Increase your like exponentially with just 5 minutes a day.

Buying Social Media Followers and Fame [Video]

Should you fake it ’till you make it?

Twitter Branding Tips

Check out this short video on how to build your brand with Twitter. It’s all about interaction.


Creating Viral Content

This video will show you the secrets of creating content that people will want to share.

Online Guides and Resources

We love a good how-to guide. So we unleashed our team of web experts to help you through online problems both big and small. Don’t understand what your tech guy is talking about? We’ve even written a guide of internet jargon.

Looking for your great-great-great grandmother’s birth certificate? We’ve got a guide for that too.

Complete Guide to Internet Terminology

Firewalls. ISP. Keywords. Phishing. Technical jargon can be a pain. Here’s your complete guide.

The History of Web Search Engines

Search engines go back the 1990s. We take you from before AltaVista to Google and beyond.

History of the World Wide Web

The story of two computers networked together and how it led to the modern web.

Searching for your Genealogical Records

Related to the royal family? Here’s what to look for when you start tracing your roots.

How to Determine Credible Sources on the Internet

What’s fact, and what’s hearsay? We help you sort it out.

Netiquette: From RFC 1885 to Today

Netiquette — or online etiquette — is really important. DON’T MAKE AMATEUR MISTAKES!

Freelance Writer and Blogger Career Information

Here is the place to start if you want to become a freelance writer.

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The 60 Second Guide to B2/Cafelog

In 2001, Michel Valdrighi had a new idea for how a website should work. It became WordPress.

Blogger’s Guide to Online Defamation

Bloggers are publishers and need to know about defamation. Start learning here.

Domain Disputes and How to Handle Them

This detailed reference provides info on resolving domain disputes.

Shocking WordPress Stats 2017

But we’ve put together many amazing and up-to-date facts about WordPress.

Using Boolean Operators in Search Engines

Learn about Boolean operators and use them in the major search engines.

Website Usability Testing Tools

Website Usability Testing Tools

Website usability is critical for making sure that your website is useful for its visitors.

Internet Privacy and Safety

As helpful as the internet is, it is also dangerous. This is why we have created a growing collection of guides to help you navigate and understand important online safety issues. These will help you to avoid scams and protect yourself from hackers and other malicous online activity.

The Ugly Face of Online Fraud

Surfing the web and carrying out transactions comes with its risks.

online safety for kids and parents

Parent’s Guide to Internet Safety

Technology today has created a new world that a generation ago was not available to our children.

The World Wide Web & Internet Privacy

Learn the risks to your privacy and how to protect yourself.

Dealing with Hate Crime

An in-depth look at hate crime — what it is, what motivates it, and more.

Cryptography Resources

Fake Gov Sites

Governments provide some of the best and most reliable information on the internet. But you need to watch out for fake ones.

Sender ID Introduction and Resources

Sender ID is a Microsoft technology for fighting against spam.

How to Spot a Fake Website

It’s easier than ever for scammers to present themselves as legitimate businesses.

Email Spam By the Numbers

Almost 50% of all email sent is spam. This video quantifies the dark side of the internet.

The Ultimate Guide to Cookies

The Ultimate Guide to Cookies

Cookies make the web much easier to use. But they can also be a threat.

Electronic Discovery Law Throughout the United States

With more info stored electronically, discovery laws are more complex.

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Email Spam By the Numbers [Video]

Almost half of all email sent is spam. Find out more about the darkside of your inbox.

Student/Teacher Resources

The Internet has facilitated the dissemination of information on an unprecedented global scale. Its original intention was education, and that is still a huge part of what makes it so amazing.

It’s increasingly the go-to tool for students and teachers alike. But it can be hard to find top quality educational resources among the truly staggering amount of information out there.

We aim to help teachers and students use the internet in ethical and legal ways, guiding them through copyright law, educational resources for kids, and how best to encourage digital literacy in and out of the classroom.

math student resources

A+ Math Student Resource

We’ve gathered the best online learning resources for studious mathematic researchers.

Web Guide to Searching for Number Sequences

Number sequences hard? Not with our examples and easy explanations.

Copyright and plagiarism guide for students: the legal and ethical.

The Ultimate Guide to Free Stock Images for Students

Copyright isn’t an issue when you know where to get great free images.

The Ultimate Section 508 Guide for Students

Not sure what 508 is? The Workforce Rehabilitation Act could be important to you.

Web Resources for Digital Literacy in the Classroom

Easy things teachers can do to get kids more excited.

Educational Websites for Kids

The internet is a great educational tool – if you know where to go.


How Minecraft Can Be Used in Education

You may know that Minecraft is a game. Now learn how to use it to teach a range of subject.

Graphic Design for Kids: Introduction and Resources

Graphic Design for Kids

Learn how to get your children started with graphic design.

Companies regularly spend thousands to ensure that you’re fully protected and in compliance with copyright law. Unfortunately, most everyday people don’t have the luxury of a copyright lawyer on retainer. So we have put together some resources about the DMCA and digital copyright law, so you can make sure that you both respect the law and can enforce your rights under it.

Most copyright infringement is accidental rather than malicious — but that’s no protection. Make sure you understand the letter of the law so you don’t end up on the wrong side of a lawsuit.

Copyright’s a big subject and this in-depth guide will answer most of your questions.

DMCA: Guide, Tools and Resources

Since the turn of the century, users have uploaded thousands of hours of illegal content.

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Stop Internet Image Theft

The internet makes it easy to steal images. Learn how you can protect your original work.

How to Register a Trademark

There is much to registering a trademark, but the process is straightforward.

How to Add Citations to Your Work

Learn how to avoid plagiarism by citing your work. Explains all the standard citation formats.

Design Tutorials and Assets

Every webmaster has to have at least a basic understanding of design. You want your site to look good and you want your users to have a positive experience. To achieve either of these goals, you need a solid grounding in design.

Fortunately, the internet is moving more and more towards stunning templated solutions for the non-designers among us. We’ve collected some of the best free assets from around the internet, including iconography and some beautiful stock images, for you to use to your heart’s content.

Free Flat Icon Sets: Flags & More

Perfect for webmasters who need a comprehensive set of world flags, as well as other icons.

responsive design video

Responsive Design [Video]

Making your site responsive easier and more important than you think.

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Using Whitespace in Web Design

Learn how whitespace can be used to make your website more beautiful and effective.

Copyright Law and Game Developers: What You Need to Know

Best Free Pattern Generators For Designers

Patterns are an important part of website design.

Top 10 Artificial Intelligence Experts

The work of these top AI experts can seem arcane, it improves our lives.

Bitcoin for Webmasters

Bitcoin is the sharp end of the cryptocurrency spear, a spear that could potentially cause a fundamental shift in the global financial system by removing governments as the sole purveyor of currency. And a lot of webmasters are looking to jump on that trend, but just don’t quite know how.

We’ve produced guides, resources, and research around Bitcoin to help webmasters get started and engage with the cryptocurrency in a safe and secure way.

How to Earn Bitcoin with Affiliate Programs

Want to earn Bitcoins without shelling out cash? Here are many options.

Top 10 Bitcoin Experts You Should Know

Bitcoin and blockchain technology are revolutionizing finance.

WhoIsHostingThis Team

About WhoIsHostingThis Team

Our writing team comes from all over the world with diverse backgrounds in the arts and sciences. But what links them is their passion for the internet. All together they represent many decades of experience working in all facets of it — from programming and hardware creation to website design and marketing.
Table of Contents

Need Web Hosting?

If you’re in the market for a new web hosting provider, be sure to check out our user reviews, our A-Z hosting guide and our top three popular hosting picks:-


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