WebKit Web Inspector: How to Troubleshoot Safari Web Page Issues

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WebKit Web Inspector is the open source bug tracker built back in 2005 by Apple and beloved by developers ever since. You can use it to locate and fix bugs in web pages based on the WebKit platform (Safari, iOS, and MacOS). Here’s what it’s all about and where you can learn about how to use it.

What Is WebKit Web Inspector?

WebKit Web Inspector is an open source tool that is used to debug web pages. It’s designed to help developers working on browsers based on the WebKit system find and fix bugs. The most popular WebKit system browsers are Safari and Firefox for iOS, but also include experimental browsers like those found in Amazon Kindles. Other major browsers like Chrome use a lot of the same code and structure, and have their own (very similar) versions of WebKit Web Inspector.

History of WebKit Web Inspector

To know how we got to Web Inspector, we need to start with WebKit itself.

WebKit started in 2005 when Apple announced that its new web browser, Safari, would be launched as an open source project.

Since the early 2000s, Apple had been trying to work with the open source community KDE, who built the original code that WebKit ended up based on.

But it wasn’t going well.

But then, in 2005, Apple announced that Safari was going totally open source — no more half measures. In addition to loosening the reins a bit, Apple released all the codebases they’d been working on, open sourced their control trees, and (most important for us) released their bug tracking tools.

This was the kick Safari needed to really get going and get built on the system called WebKit, which of course created a space for the WebKit Web Inspector to come along in 2006 to debug HTML, Java, and C++ code as well as inspect your web pages. Since then, it’s been revamped and redesigned multiple times to its current state.

What You Can Do With Web Inspector

According to the official Apple website, the Web Inspector can be used to “prototype, optimize, and debug your web content on iOS and OS X.” To put it another way, it helps you understand what’s going on in your web pages.

Included in Web Inspector’s core functionality is the ability to:

  • Inspect external resources and local data
  • Measure webpage speed, including the efficiency of your:
    • JavaScript
    • CSS
  • Access the console to inspect your web page
  • Debug your webpages.

It’s this last one that we’re focusing on today.

Debugging With Web Inspector

There are two ways that you can use WebKit to debug your site. First, you can do it with the specific WebKit debugger tool.

This tool will help you debug your JavaScript, even if it’s all minified (shortened) by expanding every single line and testing it. It lets you go line by line and set up breakpoints, testing a line or a section of JavaScript for bugs. You can also use this tool to set up specific conditional breakpoints, helping you test specific situations where bugs are cropping up. Plus you can see all the different variables at any given moment, so it’s easier to pinpoint and fix bugs.

The second way that you can use Web Inspector to debug your site is with the console. The Web Inspector acts as an interface between you and your webpage, similar to how a command terminal acts as an interface between you and your computer’s operating system.

Remote Debugging

Web Inspector can also be used to debug a web browser open in a different device than your laptop. What this means is that you can plug in an iPhone and then debug it using your laptop. It can do this because of the way it’s structured into HTML client, agents, and targets. But what this means for you is that it’s extremely easy to find and fix bugs on your mobile pages from a laptop. All you need is a USB cord.

WebKit Debugger Resources

Below are some key resources to help you start using WebKit to debug your web pages.

How-to’s and Guides


  • Stack Overflow consistently gets questions about Web Inspector. It’s a good place to check if you’re stuck.
  • WebKit Bugzilla lists all the feature requests and bugs associated with Web Inspector. If you get stuck, you can see if other people have encountered the same problem.
  • Stack Exchange runs a knowledgebase called Askdifferent, full of questions specific to Apple. It’s another good resource if you get stuck with Web Inspector.


WebKit’s Web Inspector is a powerful tool that you can use to learn what’s going on under the hood of your webpages. It allows you to quickly and easily find and fix bugs regardless of what device you’re working with. Plus, any mastery of Web Inspector will carry over into other major WebKit-based browsers including Chrome and Firefox. Learn one and you learn them all. This guide will help you get started on the right path.

Further Reading and Resources

We have more guides, tutorials, and infographics related to coding and development:

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Spencer Grover

About Spencer Grover

Spencer studied politics and psychology at university in New Zealand, which sparked his interest in efficient communication. His interest in technology just developed along the way. When he’s not writing, he’s usually attempting to bake sourdough while listening to “This American Life.”


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