We pride our hosting reviews on accuracy and independence (learn more). Love or hate your existing host? Write a review and tell our users exactly why!
1&1 Internet ReviewFlexible shared, VPS and dedicated hosting options offered on Windows or Linux.
123reg Review123Reg features a wide-range of hosting services aimed at both small business and the individual webmaster.
123Together ReviewMicrosoft Exchange 2007 & 2003 available via shared hosting and dedicated server options.
A2 Hosting ReviewLinux web hosting with 24/7 live US-based support — offers a range of shared, resellers, VPS and dedicated plans.
AccelerateBiz Review |
Alentus ReviewA leader in Windows, shared point, and dedicated hosting solutions.
Always Web Hosting ReviewFeature packed, cPanel web hosting services with no account setup fees.
AN Hosting ReviewBudget hosting with plenty of space, bandwidth and features.
Aplus ReviewDedicated and shared web hosting services for small business needs.
Apollo Hosting ReviewOffers a full range of flexible and affordable hosting plans, and e-commerce services
Autica ReviewReseller hosting, VPS and Dedicated options with 24/7 phone support.
Avahost.net ReviewBudget hosting with free domain, cPanel, Fantastic and website building tools.
Blacknight ReviewWeb hosting Ireland — full range of services from personal to business.
BlueHost ReviewFast growing shared hosting provider, BlueHost, offers a plan with plenty of features and unlimited domains.
BounceWeb ReviewBudget shared and reseller hosting with a focus on customer service and uptime.
Bravenet ReviewFeature-packed budget hosting with plenty of space and website tools.
Brinkster ReviewWindows and Linux hosting shared hosting as well as managed dedicated servers.
Byethost ReviewPremium Linux hosting features cPanel with Fantastico and reseller options.
Caro.net ReviewSpecializes in managed and unmanaged dedicated & colo hosting services.
Carpathia Hosting ReviewEnterprise managed hosting services for government agencies and businesses.
Catalyst2 ReviewUK managed hosting offering reseller Windows ASP, ASP.net and Linux PHP packages.
Cirtex Hosting ReviewLinux-based hosting with cPanel, site building tools and free set-up.
Clook Internet ReviewUK based web hosting offers a full range of services from shared to dedicated plans.
ComputingHost.com ReviewShared, reseller, VPS and dedicated options available on Linux and Windows servers.
CrystalTech ReviewSpecializes in Windows-based hosting services including Sharepoint, ASP.net, and Coldfusion.
Daily Razor ReviewDeveloper friendly hosting with a wide range of features and supported platforms.
Daily.co.uk ReviewOffering budget, business and reseller hosting plans and site building tools.
Data Hosting Solutions Review |
Dataflame ReviewDataflame is a British web host, founded in 2001 and remains privately owned….
Datagram ReviewPrivately owned Datagram Inc is one of the senior citizens in hosting, being…
Digital Edge Review |
Doreo Hosting Review |
Dot5Hosting ReviewDot5 Hosting was founded in 2002 and is owned by Endurance International…
DotCanada ReviewdotCanada is a subsidiary of Light Speed Technologies, a Canadian company…
DotServant ReviewDot Servant is owned by entrepreneur Foong Wei Keong and the company has been…
Dotster ReviewDotster Inc was founded in 1999. The current CEO Clint Page has run the…
Downtown Host Review |
DreamHost ReviewDreamhost’s basic shared plan has a large amount of features for a small price, 1 click software and a free domain.
Dynamic.com Review |
Easily.co.uk ReviewOne of the UK’s largest internet service providers, including web hosting and domain name registration.
Easy ASP Hosting Review |
EasyCGI ReviewEasyCGI is offers shared and VPS hosting packages in Linux and Windows flavors.
EasySpace ReviewEasySpace offers Windows and Linux web hosting options as well as domaining tools.
eBoundHost Review |
Edigest Hosting Review |
ePowHost Review |
eUKhost ReviewFull service web hosting provider, offering shared, VPS, reseller dedicated plans.
FastDomain.com Review |
FastHosts ReviewFasthosts is one of the UK’s budget hosting market leaders, with basic plans packed with features and unlimited traffic.
FastNext ReviewFull service Linux-based hosting provider offering shared, VPS and dedicated options and choice of control panels.
FatCow.com ReviewFat Cow offers one hosting plan with an emphasis on simplicity and caters to web hosting newbies.
Global Net Access Review |
Globat ReviewGlobat offers all the bells and whistles you would expect from a shared host at an affordable price.
GlowHost Review |
Go Daddy ReviewGo Daddy offers shared, VPS and dedicated hosting options – along with a slew of other products and services.
Good Avocado ReviewGreen hosting running on wind and solar power — I smell pachouli.
Google Inc. Review |
Got Web Host Review |
Gradwell Review |
Heart Internet ReviewHeart Internet offers a variety of shared, reseller and dedicated hosting packages.
Hivelocity Review |
Host Color ReviewOffers a wide-range of hosting packages from basic shared, to dedicated solutions.
Host Depot Review |
HostCats Review |
HostDime ReviewHostDime provides shared, VPS, dedicated and reseller hosting options as well as domain names, website design and e-commerce solutions.
HostExpress.com Review |
HostForWeb.com Review |
HostGator ReviewProvider of shared, reseller and dedicated hosting packages on Windows and Linux platforms.
HostiCan Review |
Hosting 4 Less ReviewOffers a large range of hosting packages as well as e-commerce solutions.
Hosting Zoom Review |
HostMDS.com Review |
HostNed Review |
HostPapa ReviewHostPapa offers web hosting and domain name registration along with e-commerce solutions and website design.
HostRocket ReviewHostRocket offers shared, reseller and dedicated hosting solutions.
HostWay ReviewOffers hosting plans catering to individuals and business, with data centers in both North America and Europe.
ImHosted.com Review |
Infrenion Review |
InMotion Hosting Review |
Invisible Hand Networks, Inc. ReviewNemo Semret and Giovanna Giammarino founded Invisible Hand Networks, Inc. in…
iPower ReviewOffers a wide variety of services with an emphasis on e-commerce solutions and services.
iPowerWeb ReviewIPOWERWEB has been operating since October 2001. The company was founded by…
iServe Technologies Review |
IX Web Hosting ReviewOffers full-featured shared hosting plans on Windows and Linux options.
JaguarPC Review |
JKA Hosting Review |
Jodohost Review |
JumpLaunch Review |
JumpLine.com ReviewShared, VPS and VDS plans using Tivoli Storage Manager for daily back-ups.
JustHost Review |
Kazz Hosting Review |
Knownhost Review |
Layered Technologies Inc. ReviewProfessional dedicated servers with full installation service, Cloud Computing, and no long-term contracts.
Level3 Review |
Limestone Networks Review |
LiquidWeb ReviewLiquid Web is a Michigan based, full-featured web hosting provider boasting "Heroic Support".
Lunarpages ReviewOffering a variety of hosting packages in both Windows and Linux flavors.
Lycos ReviewOne of the largest providers of hosting in Europe, Lycos offers a vast choice of solutions, for both big and small users alike.
Lypha Review |
Mark 88 Hosting Review |
Media Temple ReviewFamous for being cool, grid server technology, and sticking things into parenthesis.
Memset ReviewCEO Kate Craig-Wood founded Memset and runs it with her brother, Nick from…
MidPhase ReviewOffers budget web hosting packages and dedicated servers, backed with 24/7 phone support.
Mister Net Review |
MochaHost Review |
MyHosting.com ReviewCanadian web hosting offering both Linux and Windows packages.
Net Build Review |
NetFirms ReviewInnovative web hosting company, Netfirms offers a variety of shared hosting plans, as well as enterprise solutions.
NetTrend Review |
Network Solutions Review |
Nexx Review |
Nocster Review |
OC3 Networks ReviewProviders of custom dedicated servers and co-lo solutions.
Omnis Network ReviewBudget hosting with a free domain name, 24/7 phone support and a money-back guarantee.
One.com ReviewTechnical support offered in seven different languages, with flexible hosting solutions including unlimited bandwidth on shared plans.
Pair Networks Review |
PeoplePC, Inc. Review |
Power Shift Review |
PowerVPS Review |
PowWeb ReviewA one plan, one price host — PowWeb offers feature rich budget hosting.
Priority Colo Review |
RackSpace ReviewDedicated server specialist, Rackspace guarantees 100% uptime and is a world leader hosting provider.
Raging Wire Review |
RapidSwitch Review |
Razor Servers Review |
Register.com ReviewOffers a variety of shared and reseller hosting packages, along with domain name services.
Reliance Globalcom Review |
Serverbeach Review |
ServerPro Review |
ServerPronto Review |
Servint ReviewServInt Internet Services was founded in 1995 by Reed Caldwell, who at the…
SingleHop Review |
Site5 ReviewEntrepreneurs Matt Lightner and Rod Armstrong started Site5 in late 1998,…
Siteground ReviewFull-service hosting provider of Linux-based shared, VPS, reseller and dedicated packages.
Six Apart ReviewSix Apart is an established web hosting provider, though undeniably best…
Slicehost ReviewSliceHost provides VPS hosting packages aimed towards experienced webmasters and developers.
Sonic.net Review |
StartLogic ReviewOffers a variety of Linux and Windows shared hosting packages.
Steadfast Review |
StormWeb Review |
Strato Review |
SurfTown ReviewProviders of easy to use, Linux-based, shared hosting packages.
TB Host ReviewHosting provider offering a variety of packages and specializing in reseller solutions.
TechHosting Review |
TextDrive ReviewText Drive (Joyent) is an innovative hosting provider, offering shared and dedicated packages.
The Positive Internet Company Review |
ThePlanet.com ReviewThe Planet specializes in dedicated servers from entry-level, to fully managed enterprise solutions.
ThinkHost Review |
Tier Zero Review |
Trap17.com Review |
Ubiquity Hosting ReviewProvider of Linux based hosting scaling from shared to dedicated packages.
UK2.net ReviewLarge, full-featured host offering a wide-range of hosting packages.
Ultra Website Hosting Review |
VAserve Review |
Verio Review |
Vivid Hosting Review |
VodaHost ReviewFull service host offering shared hosting plans with all the bells and whistles.
Voxel Review |
Web Hosting Pad Review |
Web.com Review |
Weberz Review |
WebFaction Review |
Webfusion ReviewWebfusion has range of services from basic plans to specialized offerings like SharedPoint hosting.
WebhostingBuzz ReviewOffers a variety of Linux-based hosting packages, but specializes and caters to resellers.
WordPress.com Review |
World Connect Hosting Review |
Xelera Communication AB Review |
XML Webhost Review |
Yahoo! Inc. ReviewSimple shared hosting solutions on the Linux platform – also has special plans catering to business and e-commerce customers.
Your Site Review |
YourServing Review |
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