Most web hosting reviews suck. Not just “Oh, that could be better”. We mean they mislead or otherwise abuse the trust of their users. Let us explain:
1. Shill reviews. Ever seen this?
Full disclosure: Who Is Hosting This uses affiliate links for many web hosts, including our webhosting reviews. We believe there’s nothing wrong with affiliate deals. It costs us money to run this site, and our affiliate relationships mean we can afford to hire great staff.
Our ‘in house’ reviews are written by writers with no knowledge of which webhosts we do and do not have advertising or affiliate relationships with. Likewise, our user’s reviews – good and bad! – are published irrespective of which advertisers pay the bills.
Our policy is simple: we promise to make every effort to publish the truth.
2. ‘Sock puppets’. Wikipedia has a good explanation of sock puppetry:
A sockpuppet is an online identity used for purposes of deception within an Internet community. In its earliest usage, a sockpuppet was a false identity through which a member of an Internet community speaks while pretending not to, like a puppeteer manipulating a hand puppet.Unfortunately, elements of the hosting industry seem to excel at both shill reviews and ‘sock puppetry’. So we take a number of steps to provide higher quality hosting reviews, including:
Why not head over to see why our web hosting reviews are different for yourself?